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Everything posted by Aleslammer

  1. Round 1 Slot A, 3DM99 & PCM04 or 3DM03 & PCM04
  2. Does that work with PCM 7, don’t own it using basic so have to upload to FM. Sysinfo 4.38 got the update to latest message so would turning it off not get the same message. Don’t know enough about it but the purchased version I have of PCMVan still makes me connect to FM for a score.
  3. Deleted sub! FM has tighten the allowed clock shift and the hardware I was using feel out of the specs as proposed as a solution over at FM. Hope it’s just my setup and doesn’t affect all S939, hate to lose a bench.
  4. Could you please add, have this in hand but haven't setup the platform yet so no CPUz SS, getting ready for 2016. http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Bulldozer/AMD-Opteron%203250%20EE%20-%20OS3250HOW4MGU.html
  5. Have ran a few 939 only glitch 3200 Manchester came up as a NewCastle when I uploaded the file, correct in the window in OS. Nice bench!!!
  6. http://hwbot.org/submission/3068138_aleslammer_pcmark7_athlon_64_fx_53_clawhammer_2454_marks Just started putting up some PCM 7 scores mostly S939, recently had to switch to Sys Info 4.41 and can’t get a score that doesn’t have the warning box next to the score except at BIOS defaults. Posted score at 10x275 RAM 1:1 (oops Not 1:1) Tried 10x260, 10x250, 10x240 & 12x210-RAM all 1:1. OS W7 64 full install VGA at stock all but the post. Totally lost! Image 12x210 try.
  7. Same problem as phobosq in IE11, will check Firefox when I get home tonight.
  8. Company I work for has an opening in the IT department so if anyone is interested I’ve attached the HR post from the company email. Family run business loyal to their employees, personally have been with the company over 28 years.
  9. The company I'm with has a job opening in the IT dept (Napa CA). wondering where I might post it

  10. This aspect of HWBoint is the only area left where anyone on a team can make a difference so why not leave it the way it is and those teams that find it not their concepts op out and those teams that want to play recruit a grinder or encourage a diverse hardware selection. Seems more in line with a team effort than putting it in the hands of the hardware fortunate. Judging by the interest my grandkids have in my benching( Maybe a little bubble & mist in pot might help) and as hardware trends are going overclocking as we know it is a dinosaur with a meteor in its future and for the faithful the biggest pile of bones wins.
  11. Suggestion, 8600 GT DDR3 will run all the benches suggested, mass amount of online modding information, should be good availability worldwide ($20.00 US) and some good hardware points available for a serious effort.
  12. It is strange, as long as if it’s not still first when someone else post I’m happy.
  13. Picked up a Rage XL PCI 8M video card and noticed that the existing category is for the integrated flavor although there is a mix in the subs so wondering if there is going to be a separation. The card I have is showing 113/83 default clocks.
  14. Bench does throw a lot of whacky scores and a great number of folks haven’t ran it that much so don’t know that much about it. That’s one good thing about it being used in the TC by letting folks know what is generally used for determining bugged runs. Personally have had three or four runs way out of line with cards that others had posted scores with so had something to compare to. Ran a Quadro FX 570 three or so months ago which had a high Raymarch compared to the other sub tests but was present on every run, did note it in the remarks section. Cards before and after seemed in line same hardware and OS.
  15. @ ligmet I’ll give it try. @ Strunknbold Seller had the card listed as a Rage XL PCI so was a little disappointed when I opened the box.
  16. Front and back of the Rage card. Sorry, closeup challenged
  17. All computers are off but a laptop so all I hear is the ringing in my ears.
  18. Thanks HS attached with epoxy at this point don’t want to risk killing the card, do have GPUz and Everest screen shot. Will post some Images of the card once I figure out my wife’s camera.
  19. I’ve had no problems without a java install using XP SP3 english both socket 939 & 1366 although 1366 scores sucked and probably the 939 also just nothing to compare to.
  20. Could you please add the following VGAs Nvidia GeForce2 MX400 64MB DDR 64bit PCI, GPUz screen shot in my first post SDR 64bit PCI has subs from both the DDR & SDR versions so can put subs there but based on the AGP versions doesn’t seem right. Ati Rage 128 Pro PCI Can’t find anything that points to the specs being different than the AGP version, haven’t tested the card yet only board I have setup with a PCI slot was running AM3 when I got the card out of the mail box. Ati FirePro V5700 http://www.techpowerup.com/gpudb/858/firepro-v5700.html Picked up what I thought was a Ati FirePro V3750, card had been flashed to a more gamer friendly BIOS should have figured the larger amount of RAM meant a different FirePro but didn’t put it together at the time. Thanks
  21. Sweet bench, have problems with GPUPI & HWBPrime on my office box absolutely no problems what so ever with this bench, NICE JOB.
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