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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Don't suppose you would mind sharing how you got a 12x multi on a fully locked Sempron that has a 11x multi, especially on a NF2 board that doesn't recognize pin or bridge mods? EDIT- Thank you mods for moving to the proper category.
  2. It's all good buddy, I was just asking. I found a couple in the US and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pick one up. Thanks for the info.
  3. Thought so, but I don't see the FX 5500 on the supported GPU list. Thanks. I stand a snowballs chance in hell finding one of those boards in the US.
  4. Don't suppose you could tell me how you benched an AGP card on an AM3 board please? If it's real, I'd like one of those boards.
  5. Indeed. Very impressive ram. What Mushkin model are those? Redline?
  6. You'll need more than that. http://www.hwbot.org/searchResults.do?direction=backwards&applicationId=7&cpu=Athlon+64+3000%2B+Venice+s939&numberOfProcessors=1&gpu=&numberOfVideocards=0&manufacturer=&chipset=&model=&memManufacturer=&memType=&memProduct=&minCpuFreq=&maxCpuFreq=&minGpuCoreFreq=&maxGpuCoreFreq=&minGpuMemFreq=&maxGpuMemFreq=&minMemFreq=&maxMemFreq=&countryId=0&teamId=0&userName=&minScore=&maxScore=&displayAdvanced=false&filterBlocked=&filterUser=&filterVerification=&imageAttached=&dateFrom=&dateUntil=&system=&minTotalPoints=&gpuId=0&cpuId=259&chipsetId=0&modelId=0&manufacturerId=0&memManufacturerId=&memProductId=&memTypeId=&offset=20
  7. Thanks guys. Already bettered it. Still on air. http://www.hwbot.org/community/submission/1084489_mr.scott_cpu_z_athlon_64_3000_venice_s939_3140.1_mhz
  8. Not even Winter air. I'd like to run this chip again with a little sub-ambient help. It might be a nice one. Not bad for $1 + shipping.
  9. That makes it really easy to fraud a submission, wouldn't you say?
  10. Let me pose a different question then. In the socket A Sempron categories most (99%)of the SS's in CPU-Z have no numerical designation in the CPU PSN or specification lines for whatever Sempron is installled. Example: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1363245 Yet I see a few entries that do. Example: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=651371 CPU-Z version doesn't seem to matter because I can find another like the above one using version 1.55 too. What bothers me is that even with an overclocked FSB, it still reads as a 2200+. Why would it not read higher like the other Athlon CPU's do when they're overclocked? Here's the kicker, this one does: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=847707 That's actually a 2300+ Sempron overclocked to 2600+ specs. Why?, and why does it not work the same for all of them?
  11. I'll field that question. It is possible to have a Sempron show up as an unknown XP-M if the motherboard is not a NF motherboard and the CPU is bridge or pin modded to a mobile CPU. Case and point, my 2200+ Sempron here. http://www.hwbot.org/community/submission/807817_mr.scott_cpu_z_sempron_2200_athlon_xp_2415_mhz It's also possible for a Sempron to read as a MP (multiprocessor) if the motherboard or bios isn't coded to actually support Sempron's. This is actually a huge problem in the socket A categories because it's so easy to work a cheat into the mix. I already know I've been taken advantage of by said cheats, but because of the inconsistencies with CPU-Z there is no real way to prove it, or stop it. Taking the word of the submissour is simply not good enough.
  12. I have no problem admitting defeat....as long as it's to a valid submission. You're too late, deleting that SS and replacing it will not help you. I have a SS of the original one that you posted and removed, which if it was legit as you say, you would have not removed it. Enjoy it. I already know it's a fraud.
  13. Not buying it. I have Sempron CPU-Z's on versions ranging from 1.42 to 1.56 and none of them show a numerical designation. I have modded bios' by Merlin, TicTac, Etc. on all my boards, not to mention I mod my own bios', and none read like that either, so that doesn't wash. I'm more suggesting a photoshop session at this point, if you can't tell me why your submission is the only one that's like that in the entire Sempron category in all of HWBot.
  14. How'd you get CPU-Z to read it at 2200+ with the increased bus speed? As a matter of fact, it shouldn't read any numerical designation at all. It should just say sempron. CPU-Z doesn't read a numerical designation on any of my semprons, no matter what version I use, and after checking a lot of everybody else's submissions, in all of the sempron classes, it doesn't show on any of their's either. I smell a rat here. I don't want to use the "C" word here, but unless you can come up with a good explaination as to why your CPU-Z is the only one on the bot like that........well......
  15. As do I. Thank you again for your prompt help. It is very much needed and appreciated.
  16. But you were content to leave it as a XP-M 1900 even though you knew it was a bad entry. Thank you Sweet for fixing that. Question: If Wprime has a problem uploading the correct info, shouldn't we not be using it and manually entering the submissions? Does anybody really know how many submissions like this have gone un-noticed?
  17. If it's a Duron 1600, why is it listed and scored as a XP-M 1900?
  18. You have good spirit. A little bench off perhaps. I have a lot of gas left in the tank. My runs were done @ 1.9v See ya round.
  19. +1 for the contests. Keep them coming. They keep it fun.
  20. I'm not rebelling against anything. I have my opinion, just like everyone else here does, and I voice it. And I DON'T care about anybody else but my team here. Why should I? I owe nobody anything here. Also, are you insinuating my team looks bad? Hahahaha, my team is squeaky clean compared to some here. You need to pick and choose your battles better, instead of singling me and my team out. Sorry man, I usually show a little more respect to staff members, but right now you're pushing my buttons needlessly. The last thing I come to a benchmark forum for is a lecture on my attitude and how the world works.
  21. Here's a tip: Anytime the word "cheat" is used here, doesn't relax anybody, joke or not. You're off the hook because I sincerely believe you right now.
  22. I understand perfectly. Your true colors show in post #18.
  23. Why? You promoted it by calling him a cheat. Let's get it out in the open.
  24. The one you linked has no wmv9 on the desktop, it stays. Let it get blocked if you think it's a bugged run.
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