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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=109963&postcount=7 http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=109964&postcount=8
  2. Meh....big deal. You would need those old/rare boards and hardmods to be competitive in any other benchmark anyways. Also, removing IHS's is part of the game, no big deal either. Pretty much all of mine are removed, including the soldered one's. So we're right back to cool it and push F7. The CPU will decide if you get 8 GHz or not. I'm not gonna argue about it. If you think CPU-Z is a skilled bench, so be it. I don't.
  3. Whatever. Just one man's opinion is all. I should have voted no points, but I felt that you should get something for just running the validation.
  4. There is no skill involved in binning, just cost. Maybe there should be global points for the fattest wallet then.
  5. Absolutely. There are tweaks for all of those.
  6. CPU-Z validation is a "no skill involved" benchmark. Cool it, clock it, press F7. Meh, the processor either clocks or it doesn't. Voted for HW points only. Globals should be given when there is at least some user skill involved, not because you pulled a lucky chip out of a hat.
  7. Ridiculous. It's far from a sport. Competitive hobby maybe. All I was saying was, when it stops being fun it's time to quit, and not to be so consumed with points that are worth nothing more that to make your e-peen larger or a chance to get some free hardware to bench. Because really, when it comes right down to it, that's all the points are good for.
  8. There are a lot of people in your same situation. Try a different perspective. When benching for points that are worth nothing, becomes more important than just the fun of benching, it might be time to find a different hobby.
  9. Congrats to PCGH on your victory.
  10. Ram hurt me then. CPU will go 1770, ram is only good to 160 @ 2-2-2. If I throw it on the divider I wind up 130 @ 2-2-2 and score less on 3D01. Kind stuck in between gears.
  11. Good job buddy. I've been trying to crack 14000 for a week. Can't do it. The card's not up to it.
  12. Stop your cryin'. You're getting tears all over your skirt dude.
  13. Nice. If they're the same Crucials I have, you should be able to do 2-2-2-7 @ 155-160 for some benchmarks.
  14. Thank you Massman and the rest of the staff.
  15. Very nice clocks egm. Your 479 entry is outstanding also. You are a force to be reckoned with. Your team is lucky to have you. You should be proud.
  16. I was just saying how convenient it was, that's all.
  17. Of course you were, especially when removing my scores would put your team in first place.
  18. Frank, just sit tight and don't do anything. He has no power here. Wait for an answer from the staff. BTW, I've already said, I didn't do it for points. I could care less about them, and have already offered to re-submit for no points. I did it for the TEAM competition, that's all. I know the rules, so all those who aren't staff here, trying to explain and enforce said rules can shut your traps. You're not telling me anything I don't already know.
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