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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. I agree. Being that only us three have subs in now, we should get the rule clarified by MM and save the hassle later, if we're all in agreement.
  2. Wasn't there a latency bug in 1.82? I'b be all in for dumping the current subs in the comp and just using the current version (2.01) to keep everybody on a level field.
  3. Wow, didn't even notice the version.
  4. Maxxmem will be most interesting I think.
  5. Chiller, only because I had it out already.....but this CPU did 3.2 on air, so it wasn't pushed.
  6. Good board at a good price. GLWS
  7. That's a good score bro. Don't know if I can catch that. WTG.
  8. Edit your link to this. http:/valid.canardpc.com/20a83v
  9. Yes. Reinforces my point. :celebration:
  10. So what you're doing is acknowledging the fact that you know there's people taking advantage of loopholes in the enthusiast league rules? Lol, everybody knows that. Why punish the 95% of the enthusiast league that plays fair, for the 5% that don't.
  11. Point is, cheats will always find a way. Why make it so difficult to submit that it actually drives away participants because it's too much of a PITA to submit. Just forget trying to segregate by temp. It's not possible at this time.
  12. Think about how you're going to prove if the water is chilled or not. You can't. Therefore, water is water.
  13. I have PC150 Kingmax. On air 160ish @ 2-2-2 No better than common Micron IMO.
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