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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. For now. Fat lady ain't here yet and there's plenty of people here that are more than capable of laying waste to some of those scores.
  2. I've added dividers before. It depends on the board, the bios, and how much room it has to work in. You can't on every bios. It's more complex than that, but you get the idea.
  3. So what's the status on this TPP bug? I got members with multiple subs that get no TPP. Re-calc makes no difference.
  4. I agree. Being that only us three have subs in now, we should get the rule clarified by MM and save the hassle later, if we're all in agreement.
  5. Wasn't there a latency bug in 1.82? I'b be all in for dumping the current subs in the comp and just using the current version (2.01) to keep everybody on a level field.
  6. Chiller, only because I had it out already.....but this CPU did 3.2 on air, so it wasn't pushed.
  7. Good board at a good price. GLWS
  8. That's a good score bro. Don't know if I can catch that. WTG.
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