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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Again, random pic. No name, no date in the shot. Proves nothing.
  2. You're absolved Alex. Like you, I stay away. PCM05 is just a clusterfuck now, even with clarified rules. There will always be loopholes. Best to just walk away. Stay honest mi amigo.
  3. You don't complain about the ruling, but instead choose to bitch about having to re-bench?
  4. So Ramcaching is now allowed. Bad move I think. This will re-open a can of worms that will be impossible to moderate. The tricksters will be pleased though. It gives them another loophole to exploit.
  5. Thank you Alex. May you and yours have a merry Christmas.
  6. I have a feeling it will be a never ending thorn in one's side. Appreciate the effort though Alex.
  7. Doesn't matter. Any kind of air cooling is classed the same anyways. It will make no difference how you list it.
  8. You pretty much shut down your help by not answering the asked questions or providing any supportive info. FYI, AMD 785GX is a chipset model. There are only about 100 different motherboards that use it. Also, CPU-Z is more than just a frequency monitor and everybody here knows exactly what it is, so your explanation was not necessary. It only made you sound more derogatory. You came here asking for help, nobody here is going to pull teeth for your info to do so.
  9. Nice Mr.Moose imitation. You're supposed to know better. http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=204965&postcount=1
  10. http://hwbot.org/news/888_application_16_rules/
  11. When you re-submit that, please do it in the right category. I reported your other two subs already. That 9600 is a 256 bit card, not 128 bit that you submitted it as.
  12. Doesn't really matter what I think, but I would say it might be wise for you to at least check your own before you're labeled as a persistent offender and penalized. You knew the changes were coming and were forewarned to check and delete your subs, just like everybody else, yet you still fail to do so. It's on you, nobody else. If somebody else has to do it for you then you deserve what ever happens.
  13. Because others submitted a better score. You'll notice this fluctuates all the time.
  14. Hmmm....no Mr.Moose comment on a PCM05 result? That in itself should be worth a few more points.
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