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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. Not sure why but won't let me attach all images to sub, the rest hosted here https://imgur.com/a/WB4W6pm
  2. Not sure why but won't let me attach all images to sub, the rest hosted here https://imgur.com/a/WB4W6pm
  3. Not sure why but won't let me attach all images to sub, the rest hosted here https://imgur.com/a/WB4W6pm
  4. Nice score, unfortunately can't cover the left tab at all. Do you not have a higher res available?
  5. Eh, need to include legacy gpu bench for old gpus. Although wether or not they should have globals is another discussion
  6. With cfl added it's the same situation, haswell and below not needed. Would be way more interesting to cap at skylake and do 1 each.
  7. Why add cfl but not kbl or broadwell for that matter? Still think stage should be 1 each Sandy/Ivy/Haswell/Skylake. Or even better Clarksdale/Sandy/Ivy/Haswell 1 each
  8. There's a minimum post amount, you have 9 total posts which is probably too low
  9. Indeed, I found a set of tccd on ebay to use for agp boards, still looking for more hypers and eventually bh5 although I don't have a platform that does bh5 volts.
  10. port royal may be expensive to compete in, but then again all global pts are. Would be nice to have the option to get some pts for it, even if just hw pts. 1080ti can run it, although poorly. Raytracing on pascal seems to be about like dx12 on thermi.
  11. I love gpupi, the worst part is getting opencl driver to work but otherwise a great, secure, and simple bench. Especially when not on intel where it's 100% core oc with no mem matter
  12. This bench is single threaded, not sure why it's listed as giving score for multiple core count https://hwbot.org/benchmark/system_stability_tester_32m_pi/
  13. Is the same category as ddr4
  14. As in titans or are we allowing radeon pro gpus? Dual fiji, dual vega, etc
  15. Let's do it one of those nvidia chipsets that had a failure rate of like 95% DOA just to add extra challenge on top of actual OC ?
  16. What does it do?
  17. They have a sooper sekrit ln2 bench meet planned that will get canceled because it snows a little. I don't know why people act like team USA actually has a chance this year, we feel less organized than ever imho. I think the team we're really gonna have to look out for is team DE, they have super strong legacy people that are still active and they actively have bench meets. Finland would be a concern if some of their pros come out of retirement.
  18. Are cards like the Radeon Pro Duo (fiji, pascal, vega, etc) considered workstation cards and not allowed or do we need to worry about sourcing these rare/expensive workstation cards to obliterate gpu score? Or should ideal gpu lineup be something like r9 295x, Titan Z, HD 7990, GTX 690?
  19. So is there a hybrid category for a10-8780k+r7 250? It's a hybrid xfire but I can't seem to find the category. Need to make sure that there are gcn hybrid sockets before I buy, otherwise seems to be fm1.
  20. Alright so balance of new and old, best chips are athlon 200ge/300ge, Phenom II 3 core (assuming unlocking is allowed), R5 3400g, 960t (5 cores). I'm not sure that a hardcore OC will be needed on the Phenom II chips if the ryzen chips get one but I think it'll be fun either way to push am3 chips on ln2.
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