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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. It doesn't accept the link when you put it in the verification link area using http and not https? That's weird. Seems like you may need to have rich look at it
  2. take the s out, it doesn't work with https only http
  3. Yes, a good xp install with copy waza and other xp specific tweaks is worth at least 30 seconds, even compared to stripped down win 7.
  4. Getting conflicting info on this one http://www.gigabyte.us/Support/Faq/1863 https://www.gsmarena.com/gigabyte_gsmart_essence_4-7703.php
  5. Is Android allowed as long as it's <7 cores?
  6. So then it looks like it's 1 pt minimum for global/wr pts and 0.2 pts minimum for hwpts? So your very best score for a given bench is worth a minimum of 2.2 pts total?
  7. Is there any plan to attempt to reimplement this feature later, once more pressing/easier things are fixed?
  8. Well looks like I'll have to rebench once the change comes out At least it only takes an hour or so to run, unlike some legacy stuff that takes days.
  9. Definitely a great improvement over the old platform. This one is no longer blocked at work for being malicious
  10. Also it looks like they're adding a third decimal place, so we may soon see many new records set on slower cpus. Hopefully they can get the third decimal from the files for old scores rather than just adding an extra 0.
  11. I think I've found your man as long as he has a slot A athlon around. https://hwbot.org/submission/3735265_mickulty_hwbot_x265_benchmark___4k_mobile_celeron_800mhz_(coppermine)_0_fps
  12. How big is inbox supposed to be? On old forum my inbox was no where near full, now when I go to send a PM it says that inbox is full. Perhaps you could add something to show what percentage of inbox is filled like the old forum had?
  13. Yeah, it does seem that often on "slower" cpus x265 4k lacks the granularity to distinguish between scores. Unfortunately we can't just do pure time because of overkill mode. But you definitely should at least tie and get the same pts.
  14. Is there any plan to bring in the chat box that was in the community.hwbot beta?
  15. I think even when they're done fixing the ranking you'll only be tied with Jokot, although you should get same rank and pts. I found this on g470 where it takes a colossal effort to go up .01 fps. So if you want to make sure you end up on top then see if you can push all timings tighter and perhaps get an extra bclk or two for more ram and cpu speed so you inch forward another .01fps in front of Jokot. At least you only need to get 0.945 fps or more to do it, due to the rounding
  16. I am all for it. Gives me more reason to rebench my g470 with ram on dice so people don't take my gold with .611 fps
  17. People who push for pts based on specific cooling and other competitions of who can do a one handed clap the fastest while skateboarding and knitting with the other hand seem to think that there is an unlimited supply of fake internet pts to give away and that hwbot has a monopoly over it. Which neither is true, hwbot does not have a monopoly on fake internet pts, for example you can head over to 3dmark ladder and have your ambient scores kicked to the curb even faster or else you can go to (insert other place that hands out fake internet pts to ambient score, oh wait there isn't). I think that with the huge shortage of fake internet pts out there it's quite nice and noble of hwbot to hand them out to not the very best of the best scores. If you want to get more pts then perhaps you can open up your own free pts bank and dole them out based on whatever measurement system you believe in. You can call it ambientonly.org, or perhaps fuckln2.net
  18. I can assure you that less whine, more bench is the only way to move up the rankings. Just like rev 6. You can spend all your time arguing for score to be measured by the angle of the moon on the 3rd of the month, or you can get back to benching and post good scores. If you get gold in one bench and not another on the same hw then I think it's clear where the competition lies. I showed you how I won my one handed underwater basket weaving competition basically against myself on hd graphics. That's not hard to do, most anyone can if they're playing to win. If you want pts you need to beat people who are playing to win. Heck I got 3rd for gb3 multi core on a crappy 5.35 ghz 2600k! It's not because my bench efficiency is amazing or I had the golden sticks of psc. It's cause there weren't literally hundreds of people showing up with the intent of winning. There were apparently 3 including myself, and considering that chip wasn't binned at all and I literally lucked into getting it free it's questionable if I even was. My point of this wall of text is a simple message. Git gud son.
  19. I only mention because I've had my score taken down for this exact this. I like competition, but I want to make sure that when I'm beaten it doesn't get taken down for something easy. One thing that may help you get more bclk, if you have the option to set the most negative number you can for all skews, also set like 2v for pll and a healthy vccsa and vccio. This will help some chips get more bclk, the chips that it hurts will never get a high bclk anyways so I just use this preset along with some other settings that I lucked into and can't remember off the top of my head when I bin locked sandy chips.
  20. I think he's just whining because he wants to whine. At the start of rev 7 I dropped down to like 150 in apprentice league from around 50 in rev 6 after everything was said and done, and now I'm in 25th place. So I think the new rev lends itself to picking up score very quickly if you are of very low rank. On rev 6 once you got top 50 there was a lot more cases of having to do well in reeeally competitive benches to inch up a few places. Now I've literally gained more than 100 places just on intel igpu. It's popular, but not popular enough that I can't easily bruteforce most scores with good mem, high gpu clock, and poor efficiency. If people want to get some ez pts for $15 then come and take mine in hd graphics (sandy bridge), literally my 1st chip rode me to victory. Made me regrest buying 8 to bin http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/hd_graphics_sandy_bridge/
  21. I can feel his plight. I did not have a good time on the z270 soc or on the x370 k7 when I used them for gigabyte comps. I see good results with them and iirc they have mem magic that no other vendor has. My 790x ud4p is a great board, but it seems that as of late I've had the worst luck with their newer boards out right trolling me and not being good. So perhaps they have quality control issues? Also their bios is awful, all options are spread out as far as possible, but I could overlook that if my boards didn't outright troll me. My soc for example clocks 4 ranks better than 2 ranks on my 7700k for no reason and is also unable to do 2t due to some things that giga messed up. I could go on an on about how the gigabyte comps have been the worst possible pr for me possible as they've made me hate their boards, but I see no need.
  22. I don't know why you're complaining about no pts for older hw. I literally have picked up over 600 pts with sandy bridge igpus the last 2 weeks. The pts are there, you just have to spend less time complaining and actually go get them.
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