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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. The Xeon is hard to find, but you can find the Celeron for ~15 Euros on fleabay if you're willing to try there. I've had good luck with the same seller on US ebay.
  2. But it goes by cpu socket not motherboard socket, correct? So I can't slap an 8350 into a Crosshair IV then an 8370 into a Crosshair V and call that 2 different subs right?
  3. That's partially why I was thinking doing a single socket per stage, cause a lot of people will see all the hw you need to do every bench for a stage and won't even bother even if they have an sr2. So doing a stage based around lga 1366 2p, or g34 4p for example would be much better.
  4. That really good. I assume this is on ln2, any idea how it would do on phase change? My current 7700k does 5.8 with 5.5 cache 1.6v on a ld pc-2 so at about -40c
  5. Yeah, I'd prefer the chance to really learn a socket instead of the hecticness of team comp where some platforms I had to learn in like an hour just to get them benched. But I'll be interested for whatever the comp ends up being.
  6. I think it depends, I like the idea of doing stages by socket count, but I also kinda would prefer doing by socket and socket type if only because about the time I was looking at a quad socket g34 board and es opterons I realized that I'm 19 and even if I live at home I should probably reduce my OC budget a little. So it'd be nice to just have a stage where I could go to town on my sr-2 or on quad fx for a weekend or two with a few benches, especially if I end up finding a second phase for a really good price. But also it make sense to just do by socket count, cause otherwise it'd be a full stage for 1p 1366, a full stage for 2p 1366 etc. Anyways, whatever the comp ends up being I'll compete in the benches I have hw for, and if I can only hope to win that bench for that stage then so be it!
  7. I'd be down for that, right now whatever stages there are I'm planning on benching s771, fx, and lga 1366 up to 2p for all of them. CPUs are relatively cheap but boards can be $$$.
  8. I think it might be a good idea to decide on the name so it can be incorporated into the design. Anyone have any ideas for a name?
  9. If there's actually enough people out there with server hw who want to compete then a team comp would be great and have greater participation IMHO. But from the response I've seen a comp for single members might be better since server hw is a niche within this already small niche.
  10. Sounds good, look forward to seeing it early next year.
  11. It should as to get the best score you need to keep the IME happy anyways.
  12. I'm not super versed with old hw so really can't contribute any stage ideas, but I assume you guys mean like 939 or 478 and older, just to clarify everyon, or more or less anything older than ddr2?
  13. I think it may be easier to do single member, as having that much server hw on a team may be hard. However I've noticed the team comps get more engagement because of the team nature. Like I know that there's a lot of single comps that I stay out of cause I don't have time but I'll make time for a team comp for the most part. For theme name I had an idea of either something like Double Vision or maybe something along the lines of Mo' CPUs Mo' Problems, just to through some ideas at the wall. Probably something the conveys multiple cpus or something.
  14. Should be really fun, I'll be super interested in this comp if it goes. Although we'll have to see for 4p if I can sub all stages. Should have a lot of fun on 2p and 1p.
  15. Also does socket fx count as socket f (1207)? They're both 1207 pins.
  16. Pretty good list, just 1 recommendation, for Whycruncher do 10b as the ram requirements for 1b are kinda lame (4 GB) as opposed to 10b's proper server ram requirement (40gb). Especially on 4p it shouldn't be too much to ask the competitors to run a boatload of ram. Other than that my only question is does pin mod qx9775 count as a xeon?
  17. If it's the file too big error I find this website or a similar one works well. Online Image Resizer - Crop, Resize & Compress Images, Photos and Pictures for FREE
  18. I'm in US so probably not worth it after shipping, but I may be looking into something like this as I already have a LD PC-2.
  19. Would this potentially work with a phase change unit?
  20. So then do we want to try to get something officially organized for a server comp? I assume it'd have to be after the end of December as we've got Rog Comp and Country Cup up to then.
  21. We do actually have a Discord that some of us are organizing in. So if you're interested reach out to either me or Niobium and we can give you a link if you're in the US
  22. Because every other bench must be run in win 7 on this platform?
  23. I still wake up broke, but at least I don't have a headache after benching!
  24. According to Massman it's not finalized, although I suspect it isn't going to drastically change if at all. Would be nice to get some clarification though, specifically what exactly do they mean by 8 different cpu subfamilies for super pi and for gpupi do they need to be different cores are just different card names. But I don't really want to be asking them these questions when they haven't finalized the stages.
  25. Interesting thing about that list, all the stages end in November, but the comp is shown ending in December.
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