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Everything posted by Hyperhorn

  1. At first I should ask abo why my activation key worked once for a certain system and never ever with others again. But I don't use this netbook anymore, basically it was just a portable solution for doing the usual press stuff at Cebit.
  2. What's up with CPU-Z again? I'm pretty sure it wasn't flagged as rejected when I uploaded the file, also 202.82 MHz x 10 is not 1014.1 MHz for sure ...
  3. ...yes, marketing is misleading sometimes.
  4. Thanks Vince,


    nice gesture and always appreciated! :)




  5. IIRC back in 2008 knopflerbruce told us @ XS that he has managed to buy this specific CPU, but I'm surprised that even in 2011 nobody else uploaded a result. So I would like to hear the story of the 4100+ Venice and if there are more of them out there.
  6. Wow, this is a pretty rare CPU. Do you want to tell us how you came across this chip?
  7. [x] Global points for CPU-Z However I like all kind of %-OC rankings, which should be pretty easy to establish (as OC in MHz and CPU default clock frequency data is already there), but I don't think ít should or can replace CPU-Z (MHz) - it's basically another category. Independent from the possibility of gathering points for %-OC I would like to see this because of the database-aspect. Coun't me in for Via, too. Oh, and Cyrix, don't forget those please. What about IDT, Rise and Transmeta, don't we like them? If AMD starts to offer competitive CPUs for benching again, they will be good enough for global records. As long as that doesn't happen hardware points only is fine and a filter option will do the job for everybody who is interested in AMD records IMO. *preparing for getting flamed*
  8. What's the point in submitting such results? btw if a CPU has four cores this is one of many characteristics of the CPU, but doesn't mean you have used four seperate chips. "4 x Core i7 920" is incorrect as long you don't use a four-socket-mainboard with four i7-920-CPUs for a certain result (which is not possible due to hardware limitations).
  9. Bugs and other stuff worth mentioning I've seen for now: - When country/region filter is applied the filter is only enabled as long as you don't click through the rankings. If you click "Show previos/next 20" the filter is disabled and you have to apply it again. - When you change the league you wan't to compete it's not updated ranking-wise on your personal site (#xxx out of xxx) - I've no idea where you can see the user ranking limited to your own team - is it e.g. for PCGH http://uat.hwbot.org/rankings/overclocker/team/pc_games_hardware, where I get HTTP Status 404? - Page "About us/active volunteers" seems to be a bit outdated (e.g. der8auer is missing)
  10. Yep, they even offered graphic cards with GPUs from 3dfx and Ati. However that's not the reason I'm posting here, but I am confused about the subforum where this thread is placed at.
  11. Would you mind to talk about this in another thread? I think we should come back to Rev.4 now.
  12. At a certain point Wprime 32M actually stops to scale properly with many CPU cores as initializing needs too much time in relation to the whole calculation time, but Wprime 1024M would be evil!
  13. It doesn't matter what you say/show/prove, if people want to believe something. On a daily basis I can see, that there is no way to convince somebody that his/her claims of partiality are false if they are already built on presumption/feelings. However you can try to show others that the spreaded claims of partiality are false by the way how you act. Don't believe it? Then let's say you prefer Asus actually! Why else would you open a new thread only to show how many Asus boards you've benched and link to some sessions where you used Asus products successfully where it was not needed? I know it's a clever PR maneuver and your attempt to cover the real reason has failed. You're biased and I will tell everyone about it. Die in hell! (Yep, that's like fanboys want to discuss with unblemished editors )
  14. To my knowledge tCAS 3 is the lower limit of the DDR2 specification, so you will not find any mainboard to run tCAS 2. Btw for comparison numbers feel free to have a look at the RAM oc list @ PCGHX: http://extreme.pcgameshardware.de/overclocking-mainboards-und-speicher/15996-high-score-liste-maximaler-ram-takt-nach-cas-latenz-geordnet.html#post127051
  15. So that's the real reason why we still wait for rev4. Nice and HUGE dewar!
  16. I hope the "OMG, ES-CPUs are so IMBA"-faction noticed it is a retail-chip again, which is capable of >7 GHz. The difference is today only a minority seems to care about Gulftown anymore, but the "Retail-CPU cherry-picking just needs some more time"-faction wasn't that far away from the truth ... @Sam: Nice ava!^^
  17. Rev4 changes are expected to have a bigger impact than a few +/- 1 changes, but let's wait for an official answer. However I think this screenshot was made for showing how close the competition is: Today team ranking top 20 goes from 13.7K to 42.8K, rev 4 beta ranking range is 12.9K up to 33.0K Today user ranking top 20 goes from 760 to 2,100, rev 4 bet ranking range is 1,000 up to 2.470 --> Percentage-wise lower top 20s are closer to the leaders than before, atleast at this beta stage
  18. Ticket ID: 1260 Priority: Low CPU-Z-validation with all important data: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1790510\r\n\r\nThanks for adding to the database!
  19. i7-2600K (ES): L035B191 #0430 <5.200 MHz (CPU-Z @ 5.16 GHz) Asus P8P67 (UEFI 1401), Air-Cooling Had some troubles with "Overvoltage Error" (IIRC had disabled all protection features ...), especially at even higher Vcore values, but CPU is pretty much maxed out at around 5.2 GHz, so doesn't matter anyway.
  20. So that's why Lippokratis showed one of his setups instead. The interviews are just a part of a bigger article about the history of CPU overclocking (from the 80s up to now) in the PC Games Hardware print magazine 05/2011. More info here: http://www.pcgameshardware.de/heft/heft-archiv/?hid=05_11_Magazin http://www.pcgameshardware.de/heft/heft-archiv/?hid=05_11_DVD Thanks to everyone involved.
  21. Great news, good luck there raja (a.k.a. "Just read the spec sheets carefully - it's all there" )!
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