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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. lol My .02 here: The 2x 8800gts 640mb 06 score is 4th, and Thor's scores are like 45th. If you're 4th you actually have a pretty good score, and therefore should have the subtest windows to show it's not bugged etc, whereas a 45th placed score is very rarely bugged. ...we don't automatically block scores with errors in the screenshot, only when we feel it's necessary. If the scores aren't "good enough" then we just inform the bencher about it so that he can post better screenshots later. A little OT: IMO a score should be valid at the time of posting, if it's 2 weeks old or 2 years doesn't matter. Air or LN2 doesn't matter as well, same rules apply. But I guess this is more of a personal thing than actual written rules:p
  2. I should make parts of that one my new avatar:D
  3. I think that if the function of the chart is to show what memory brand/model is the best for BENCHING, then using CL7 is the best choice - as that's what mot people use for benching (or maybe even CL6?).
  4. The only possible solution to the "boxed cooler" problem is to give a few boints "for free" for the first couple of submissions etc. Apart from that you just need to get into the "good air frequency"-range, one way or another. IMO that's fair, we can't reward every result with alot of boints - even those made by newbies with a shit CPU on the shittiest cooler there is (boxed). Atm you need 4.6GHz to get more than 0.1 boints for Superpi 1m, which is easy to do in most cases.
  5. Use the report button, so these scores get into the moderation queue. No need to make threads here instead of reporting.
  6. Just hang on for a second... if you click onb a ubmission it says "2 cores active" or "4 cores active" or whatever. If you find unlocked scores that still say 2 cores active, then report. But i checked the 550 and 555 ranks, and there wasn't much of a problem (maybe I missed something,I dunno). Also remember that this ONLY applies to PCMark05, and both wPrime categories. Superpi and pifast ranks are unafffected by this type of error.
  7. Because no-one reports the scores that are incorrect - as simple as that
  8. No sharing is better than everything goes, but at the same time it feels a bit too strict. Most of the points from 3D benchmarks (except 01 I guess) come from the GPUs, so limiting CPU sharing there is not THAT important.
  9. Submit a HelpCenter ticket with a CPUZ screenshot/validation, and Turrican will add it ASAP.
  10. Yeah, it's not needed to change it for pifast, cpuz and superpi. However, wprime 32m and 1024m + pcmark05 should show the correct amount of CPUs:)
  11. Well, we have a ton of FM benchmarks for DX9, and AM3. Would be cool to see something a bit different. If it's not possible to integrate the DX9 tests into the DX11 part (to make one complete test for all cards), then I suggest you just remove globals from the DX9 version. That's by far the best solution.
  12. I repeat what I said - what if there were DX9 parts included as well, so that DX9 cards would get a score, too? That would be the best solution.
  13. We're moving forward when we add DX11 capable benchmarks. What you suggest is to ignore the past... I get the idea about the global boints, but do you get high scores on DX9 (with non-DX11 HW), which will interfere with the DX11 results after a while, when we have alot of "proper" runs on GTX480? If not, then there is no problem with the DX9 edition and globals. And if I'm wrong, then disable globals for the DX9 edition - or use some divider that makes every dx9 score worth nearly zero (global) boints. IMO the best solution would be if there were some DX9 parts included as well, then the DX11 parts would give 0 points and a huge handicap for the GPUs that don't support the tech, but still give some HW boints to fight for. Then there would be no need to add a separate DX9 edition, as it would've been included in the score:)
  14. We're not forcing anyone to bench everything - they can skip the new dx9 benchmark if they want to.
  15. I mean that they work on newer cards. 01 works on even GTX480. If those older benchmarks stopped working on tomorrow's cards, then I'll understand the reason behind adding only a DX11 benchmark, but that's not the case here. Older gear deserve something new as well, not just future GPUs... there are more video cards than just HD5870 and GTX480, you know, and people still bench them;) What harm could it possibly do to add a DX9 version?
  16. There are also plenty of benchmarks for newer cards, so that's not really an argument. IMO a DX9 rank should receive boints - there's no reason not to..
  17. The first case is obviously OK, as there are a total of 10 DIFFERENT CPUs. 2nd one... well, I posted earlier that I think there should be a time limit before a resale, 3 months... but that's not covered in the rules atm, that's strictly my opinion. If a dude benches it and seels it the next day and so on, then it's sharing even if there was money involved, as the whole process is about gaining as much team boints as possible out of that particular chip and not as much about selling it to get $$$ to buy other stuff, pay bills or whatever.
  18. Not exactly, it's a business class edition of the 4850e. I guess some sort of Opteron lookalike model. There is a 4450B as well, maybe even a couple of more models. (I have the 5000B model here, which could use a fix - it's listed in the wrong list of CPus )
  19. Isn't it really like this: "It's up to whoever uploads the scores to prove they do not violate the rules", so if things look fishy in terms of HW sharing, then we can block whatever score we want if we're not happy with the explanations/proof we're handed over. It may not be the easiest rule to moderate, but those who abuse the system are in a risk of getting caught, as always.
  20. IMO if you buy a GPU one week, bench, and pass it on next week it's more for the boints sake, and not the GPU. Keep it for maybe 2-3 months before selling and it'll be better. Not sure where to draw the line there, but at least in terms of globals you can't do alot of sharing if you have a 3 month "sale suspension" for that part. Tbh, in this case common sense should be enough...
  21. You won't get much for less than 20, maybe some X2 3600+-4000+ chips. I'm not completely done with AM2, either - more boints to get there Too bad my board got burned, and the delivery of the replacement fucked up so I have no clue when I can bench AM2 again.
  22. I remember that auction But it was fairly expensive if my memory is correct - above $100. Plus, the batch was unknown (I know which one it is, though:D ) in overclocking circles, so I decided not to spend money on it. If you're planning to bench alot of 939 chips I bet you'll be able to bring down quite a few of my records, I never had the money to bin every model released - and now these are very hard to find. You should try to beat the 4000+ record I've tried 40-50 chips and no luck yet.
  23. Yeah, the same goes for am2 semprons - only 140 and 145 are unlockable.
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