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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. If it works on i7, it doesn't on K10. And i'm not even sure the right option is avaliable either.
  2. This benchmark hasn't been as thoroughly tested as superpi32m for example, so there may be some clever tweaks that alot of people don't know about.
  3. If the general crew attitude is that paying for this kind of service is no big deal, then maybe we can include PCMark Vantage as a boint-giving benchmark?
  4. If I were you I'd kill some Dell employees instead, they're the ones to really blame for this.
  5. His boints are 48.9 in one link, and 0 in the other it seems...
  6. Perhaps you can ask for some kind of compensation. This isn't normal at all...
  7. If you continue to post lots of scores with those after being told not to (and how to disable them), some kind of punishment would be fair. That list of yours makes sense, if you don't look at the number of submissions, but on the number of times he has received a message from the mods to stop it.
  8. Hasn't Dell screwed up the delivery twice now?
  9. I bet there is a user names Super as well:D
  10. Capture-a-screenshot-user here:D. I'll try this, though... seems very light:)
  11. Nope. Why not just use superpi, when it's the same? We don't allow E-leet for CPUZ validations either, btw.
  12. We can't change the way the bench is run after all these years. That's final, and Rich will agree;)
  13. If there is a difference, then there should be a new category. If it's not, then they just tell you to put it in some other place.
  14. If we had suspected cheating, you would most likely be banned;) Edit: to me it looks like SM2.0 and SM3.0 are too close... but could the reason be a bugged low SM2.0 instead of high SM3.0?
  15. Perhaps it's a good idea to remove the memory info if it actually doesn't matter for the card? If it says 256mb, it should be 256mb ONLY, or changed to 256mb/512mb:)
  16. Personally I'd say the most fair way to bench would be with your own CPU for 3D, with the massive CPU dependance of today's tests. However, the current sharing rules were made so that people wouldn't have to spend a million bucks to be able to compete, and with Gulftown coming that will be the case if it's not allowed for more benchers to use the same CPU. Yes, it can be abused, but let's hope people use some common sense;) Nothing wrong with sharing a golden chip with a couple of folks, but to pass it around the whole team is not the intention here.
  17. I'll have a chat with the others about the possibilit of PS. The score looks weird, like one PII 925 and a Athlon II 250 have been "merged". The screenshot shows v1.55 and a different time, so I changed it - 19.5s sounds more reasonable for that CPU at that frequency:)
  18. If the score was valid at the time of submission, then we can't block it now. If you report a similar score from 2009 it will probably be blocked, but there's no need to moderate stuff when there is no reason to think there were cheats involved, or the score was misplaced - or something like that. Feel free to continue to report scores, if we agree we will block, if not just check them.
  19. I have a surprise for you! Guess what:p http://hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=928504
  20. 2 old scores checked, screenshot links broken and nothing weird about the time vs clocks, either.
  21. If you do stuff after being told not to, then you risk getting banned. Submitting to the wrong category isn't what we want to ban people for in the first place. X3 unlocked to X4 => post in original (x3) category.
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