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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. ...then any pifast, superpi 1m/32m, am3, 3dmark01-score can't be trusted. The fact is that the wprime validation can't be trusted either. The TIME is most likely correct, but often it's added to the wrong CPU category... not to mention the lack of system details.
  2. ...or just ask for screenshots instead of using online validation. I don't want my 250-300 wPrime runs to be worthless.
  3. Then the score belongs to the 430 category, if it's a 430.
  4. Use screenshots for submissions in the meantime. They always work
  5. You may need some LN2 for that Manchester core chip if you really want to push it. My chip worked nicely at -75c, but seemed to hit a wall at that point. Any plans on rebenching this particular chip, btw?
  6. Checked the rules, and: Update 27th July 2009: Photographs are not allowed as verification, so only screenshots. Score blocked. (IMO the content of the screen should be what's important, not the way it's captured - but I guess that's a different discussion).
  7. This is cool stuff:) HW sharing rules: Do not share CPUs for 2d benchmarks (CPUZ, PCMark05, Pifast, superpi and wprime) - and do not share GPUs for 3d benchmarks (3dmark series + aquamark). However, you can share CPU for 3d so you can use the same processor for 3dmark. RAM, PSU, LN2 container, mobo, HDD... share as you wish.
  8. It's an Athlon 64, btw. Just so it doesn't get confused with the new Deneb based K10 chip Thanks for adding these CPUs so fast, btw.
  9. Ticket ID: 655 Priority: Low http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=809061\r\n\r\n2.5ghz stock, NOT unlocked multiplier.
  10. Ticket ID: 654 Priority: Low http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=809055\r\n\r\n65w, 1.9ghz stock.
  11. Ticket ID: 653 Priority: Low http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=809045\r\n\r\nI think this is some kind of Brisbane Opteron style CPU. Not sure. Specs same as the locked 5000+ Brisbane model I think.
  12. Ticket ID: 652 Priority: Low http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=809032\r\n\r\n1210 with lower TDP, 65w.
  13. The missing info would be the first loop times, and the "1m calculation" part (Rules: http://hwbot.org/benchmark.application.info.do?applicationId=3#rules) IMO this is just minor stuff, 19 loops means 1m AFAIK too. Plus, the score doesn't look weird. I vote for unblock, but I'd like to have a second opinion.
  14. Maybe we need a moderation button for this type of blocked scores... so that we get a notification... say 6 months after the submission date so we can unblock those that are no longer in top20.
  15. I think liquid helium is accessible to those who have enough money, it's not like you need a special deal of some kind... right?
  16. You lost two gold cups today:p Or you will when I plug the bench drive into my main rig to upload the scores;) 11min40s in wprime1024m on X2 4200+ manchester, and 21.813s in 32m. The chip was missing 7 pins, so gold cups in memory intensive benchmarks were out of reach. Do you sell your stuff after you bench, or do you keep the gear for future use (like me;) )?
  17. I dont think there are much (if any) misplaced results here. I checked CPUZ and found none.
  18. Well done, Sherlock:woot: Can you just reactivate them? Or do I have to add them again?
  19. To sum it up: we need better guidelines, I think. Will reupload the scores later if I find them
  20. http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2299 The thread I made at the time. Deleted the scores after a while as I was tired of seeing them highlighted every time I looked at my profile. 1.5 years is alot of time, but the missing tab is important to be able to verify what chip that was actually used. So... after 1.5 years we don't give a crap about ANY issues, whatsoever? wPrime v1.58 results from early 2008 - I would think the same argument is valid. ("This score was number one since start in 30 April 2008, it never received global points; so less scrutiny ; however don't come nagging 1.5 years later for that same score. that just doesn't work")
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