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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. Sounds like another bug (although one of my scores got reported the other day, and the notification went away after it was moderated)
  2. Hopefully this bug will be fixed soon... if Chiller checked the no boint box, then he did his job. If 12 reported the score for the mods to fix it, then he did his "job"; too. Now we have to do our job, which is to find the cause, and change the code
  3. IMO, if this info is not visible, put it in the max # of cores ranking - it can't be more than 4, and if it was 3, then he has to prove it.
  4. More stability than the benchmark needs would be wasting CPU MHz:D
  5. If there are scores with NDA hardware that receive boints, you must report them if you want the boints to go away;) If we don't know about it, it won't be fixed. Period.
  6. 1.5v? I've yet to burn any CPU at below 1.8v. If 1.5v was the limit of the board it was probably not the vcore itself that killed that chip, more like spikes or something from the board.
  7. Nope, believe it or not. I always find so much interesting stuff on ebay:p I MAY be able to ask a friend of mine to take a better pic, but cant really promise anything.
  8. How much do you ask for in terms of quality of the rig picture? I only have a Nokia 6230, and it always give me rather grainy pics. Better than nothing, I guess - but good enough?
  9. Not sure I'll win this, though... HTT clocking isn't anything I've done much before. I saw 410 on that board on a Clawhammer, before some chip burned. The funny thing is that it works at stock voltage, but 1.8v is not possible anymore - then it just shuts down:D
  10. I wonder if my semi-dead 250gb can do some damage here... I have two more in Germany that should work better.
  11. I'll take care of that. Thanks for reporting Edit: Done. There was one with a checksum and one with 1.55, those are still standing ofc.
  12. +1. Blank as standard would be a good solution, but to force people to choose cooling isn't a good idea.
  13. A dumb one refuses to accept boints for a result. EOD.
  14. If they compete against themselves only, as in this case, there's no issue.
  15. This never happened to me, for some reason. Do we have any idea what the error may be?
  16. Ticket ID: 770 Priority: Low http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=977322\r\n\r\nThere is a 3600+ out there as well, but I don\'t have it. Maybe you can add it as well? http://www.techpowerup.com/cpudb/167/AMD_Sempron_3600+.html
  17. Get some older drivers, or use nvflash and nibitor and flash until you're happy:p That's what I did when I ran these cards.
  18. Lmao, who does he embarrass his team because of a post he writes as an individual? I wish I had the right to moderate in here as well, and I'd remove like 30 posts (including the one I quoted:rolleyes:). If you can't be friends, take this pathetic fighting somewhere else... Through PM is a good start. PS: I just asked people to stop fighting, and you try to start another battle. Embarrassment FTW?
  19. If PCMark05 didn't make the benchmark such that ramdisks would give an insane score boost, this wouldn't be much of a problem. PS: even FM themselves made a limit for their own ORB. Why should we remove it when they more or less admit there is a flaw?
  20. Yeah, I thought about the same. Sometimes your team needs more members, and then you need to search for them;) Nothing wrong in doing so by opening a thread here. What else can you do? Call your aunt and grandpa?
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