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Everything posted by bolc

  1. PCB KO-8155 seems to be the preferred on LN2, yep. then KO-8117. finally ST pcbs on air, it does not matter I think. some chips on ko 8117 and 8155 sucks much more than chips on St pcbs..
  2. thanks for the info. my best stick is of ST pcb and 2nd best is 8155, 2666 8-12-8-28-1t super tight, 1.87 and 1.88 V, spi32m, on air. but on LN2, things may change indeed
  3. bump
  4. Hi Suzuki, Ae there several spi32m ok at 2600 8-12-8 (very tight) < 1.85 in there ? 5. 6x 2 gb Team Extreem PSC - 60 E, at least one capable of 2666 8-12-8 
  5. i have gskill HZ ddr 4000 2x1gb timings 3 4 4 8 not tested beyong that. how much are you willing to offer? cheers
  6. Hi, What's the difference with KO-8117?
  7. Hi, anything wrong with #35 items ? Do they boot fine at 1.8 V, and work fine at XMP specs? Probably some 500 cas4 2.18 V ish or not even that? I might take it based on your answers Thanks ++
  8. no more 1040 104P 104L to find out these are PSC
  9. any thoughts? e6500k in particular http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium_Dual-Core/Intel-Pentium Dual-Core E6500K AT80571XH0772ML (BXC80571E6500K).html
  10. wrong my friend i meant pentium e6xxx (abd provided a link :D), so it is 2M as well ! (not haswell :d) but in all cases, these cpus are made with wolfdale3M dies, but e7xxx has 3Mb cache enabled and E5xxx E6xxx have 2M cache enabled. since cpu-world.com and other serious cpu listing sites report pentium e5xxx and e6xxx as wolfdale-3m, i'd like to know the position from hwbot before launching my E5800 to the roof plus i assume that the hwbot staff would have written "Core2Duo E7xxx" if they wanted to restrict the stage to this series of cpu, but not have written Wolfdale-3M ? PS: there is also E3xxx celeron and E2210 as wolfdale-3m, if one wants to try that
  11. Hi, Say there is a stage for cpu, do we need to have different cpus ? say for the wolfdale3m ddr2 stage, can we use 3x e7400? for 3d now, does it have to be different cpu and gpu ? and mobo / ram ? what are thre rules? moreover, are the dualcore e5xxx e6xxx considered wolfdale 3m? http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium_Dual-Core/Intel-Pentium Dual-Core E6600 AT80571PH0832ML (BX80571E6600 - BXC80571E6600).html http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium_Dual-Core/Intel-Pentium Dual-Core E5200 EU80571PG0602M - AT80571PG0602M (BX80571E5200).html thank you
  12. same here, u forgot to sub the gb4 multi thread with that screenshot ++
  13. you forgot to submit your gb3 single thread with that shot ;)
  14. Hello, could you correct the link to hardware.fr [HFR] team on oc-esports? We have this problem redundantly on oc-esports. Here for instance, when you click on the team link http://oc-esports.io/?esports=true#!/round/team_cup_2018_ddr2/4356/superpi_-_1m_am2_platform we wnd up in brazil @ http://hwbot.org/team/hardware.fr_hfr http://hwbot.org/team/hardware.fr_hfr/ I d suggest to changes the link name once for all since for some reasons they are really close Thank you
  15. Ram added for sale
  16. Is this definitive, Xeons 771 witgh adapter to 775 allowed on stages 7 nd 8 (only) ?
  17. You may want to correct this page, and indicates 32 unique subs and 96 in total http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/team_cup_2018
  18. +1 xeon harpertown can be exact matches for yorkfield in terms of number of cores and cache size but he said next time ?
  19. stage 5 is 3D ...? AMD is a different story, the IMC is integrated in the cpu. But for 771 and 775, the mb northbridge integrates the MC, so it is pretty much the board that makes the fsb on quadcore, not the cpu... given the folks with Xeon will not have unlocked cpus, we/they do not represent a threat for those benching QX**** cpus anyways... allowing 771 will only add fun
  20. LN2 benchers will get out QX9650 and similar unlocked cpus... if you allow 771, enthusiasts and apprentice will have a chance to have fun with x9.5 and x10 multiplier Xeon cpus...!??
  21. I'd personnally allow Xeon 771 on all DDR2 stages.....cpu is modded to fit on 775 so it has the same chipset limitations as 775... EDIT: you meant stages 7 & 8 ? adding 4 & 5 ...? (for stage 2, wolfdale3M and xeon 771 won t work)
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