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Everything posted by bolc

  1. Price edit
  2. Bump Ps: don't be confused websmile bump with "price edit" in fact
  3. hey. how much for #11, shipping to France? cheers
  4. Hey, I am curious about those results then! I have a malay 3770k l246c196 whose imc takes 2600c8, and that does cbr15 4c/8t 5ghz@1.285 V, and 5ghz spi32m @ 1.20 V (on 2 c/2t iirc well) EDIT: soorrryy for the typo mistake. 1.20V ! not 1.02 v, that'd be insane... may happen in the 10th intel gen perhaps...? what is the lowest spi32m 5ghz voltage achieved so far...? 1.1 ?
  5. @websmileh e is a teammate, I own this board, and I am teasing him about how much he may be willing to spend
  6. how much?
  7. Awesome, well done ! You should look into beating the x265 4k record now ;)
  8. tried all, with internet on, nothing works 2.43 does not give the option to save the file, and login makes the app closes 2.44 gives theoption to save the file, but file is not readable by hwbot, and when login, it closes. this happens even on non oc system, on windows 7 64. i give up
  9. I agree with infrar.ed, we should not delete the old score. I currently do it only for my mates when they just improve a score within a few days/weeks, so the ranking gets ok similarly, I would like to have the older/weaker scores kept as well
  10. replied! sold to ale_belo
  11. i tried the method of running the bench then logging, and it did the same. will try 2.43... fingers crossed
  12. thks for the feedback oh ok so i will try 2.43
  13. I tried to submit my results but it tells me the file I saved : " Invalid data file: Unable to parse the datafile" the ver is 2.44. I tried also looging in, I get logged in with my hwbot account, then I start the bench, but it closes at the end after having done the benchs and gathering system info...! as if the automatic uploaded makes it stop, but nothing gets uploaded... I attach my saved file, in case someone has some clue... the file seems pretty small, 16 bytes. I also got a results.txt file in the bench folder but nothing which gets uploaded either. Thanks if you have some ideas 20181209074850.rbr
  14. well, you can t go manually and delete the sub... I mean you can, but it will appear all the time, and there is no way to control it. plus, if for some reason the top score gets moderated, there will not be a second score in the database and will have to be re-+entered. recalc the sub may put its score to 0 but will not remove it (hence ranking and medals are wrong). Hitting the Recalculate Points button does not seem to work all the time. A recent example here with Nik's dual sub: http://hwbot.org/benchmark/superpi_-_1m/rankings?start=6&hardwareTypeId=processor_1508#start=0#interval=20 for my teammates, i go check and recalc/delete the extra score, but there should be a way to find what is happening? it didn t happen in rev 6 didn t it ?
  15. if you edit the sub and retype: maximus vii i does not it list the maximus vii impact ?
  16. Hi. dual scores for the same 775 socket spotted for uUkraine in the gpupi1b stage5 contest. http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/hwbot_country_cup_2018/4419/gpupi_for_cpu_-_1b_-_single_core_cpu_-_3_subs_required
  17. mcss service needs to be on, and after a pc reboot, it is fine ! (multimetia class scheduler service) if you have the same pb, might be useful !
  18. 1151 v1 (6xxx 7xxx?) and v2 (8xxx 9xxx?) are currently unified under one category only it seems
  19. Hi Folks, struggling with this guy, which does not allow to set the absolute mode on my rig for some reasons. ever had the sisue? http://hwbot.org/benchmark/hevc_h.265_decode/ thanks
  20. met toi en x6 et sur c2d e8x00, tu vas poutrer bien au delĂ  ;)
  21. for the time being, your adata don t handle 540+ cas4 ? won t be as good as 650+ cas5 but not far... Ps: do you play with clock skew for cpu and mch. there are some magic numbers same with mch ref and cpu gtl ref
  22. the ram will do what it can. imo, not achieving high ram frequency has to do with the chipset not handling high fsb and ram frequency but not the rams. otherwise i had a ep45 ud3p which would not do x 2.4 B (strap333) cas5 with fsb of 540+ ish so had to do 540+ cas4, but another board has no pb doing x2.4B cas5... which mch, mch ref and ram ref voltages do you use ? 690/720 cas5 (tight?) at 2.3 V is sweet ! really. see if they can do spi32m, nonetheless, very impressive.
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