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Everything posted by skulstation

  1. ther ware +- 2000 untis made off the d5400xs board.and noting Special was asked to buy one.it was a normal retail like the normal 775 boards edit: and stil some left acording https://geizhals.de/intel-skulltrail-d5400xs-a318023.html?hloc=at&hloc=de
  2. plz chek ranking. slowest System is on top
  3. ware do we find the link for it? like to try it on some intel setups edit : i found the files on https://hardforum.com/threads/amd-ryzen-blender-benchmark-scores-thread.1919896/ the skulltrail is slow comparing to the rest
  4. than i take my tyan bord and other cpu don't forget the skulltrail use fb-ddr2 ram like all the dual 771 boards, and is slower than normal ddr2 and alot slower than ddr3. so i like to disallow any modded 775 boards to fit 771 cpu's y/k
  5. Payment done.
  6. I am redy for tomorow Just did a +7k vantage run , stock cpu's speed and no vmods on the gpu or mem
  7. did pickup my quadro fx4600 from the post office. and did some pre testing whit it on a stock g3258 cpu. @ tagg: willing to chear your vmods?
  8. Its mine if you gave me some time to arange the monney to my paypall acound? A second one whil be fine also
  9. ther ar stonger cards than the quadro fx 4600 thad we can use.but old power come whit a hafty price tag of 160€ on ebay. I did go for a fx 4600 ( g80 gl ) and a fx 3700 ( g92 gl ) for a pirce tag lower than the stonger fx 5600 ( g80 gl ) softmot a normal 8800 to a quadro whil work.but it whil not be alowed. have askt this some time a go. http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=469772&postcount=18
  10. I don't see the parapgraph ether, therefore i asked. But no problem stil have some other non ES cpu's to compeet
  11. I assume thad ES whil not alowed like always.
  12. For stage 1: is it ok if we use non quadro cards? I think its ok as stage 1.is focus to ram and not the gpu
  13. I use the list from Tech ARP - Workstation Graphics Card Comparison Guide Rev. 9.0 to find a good gpu.
  14. Do it need to be a real quadro card or is softmod alowed? Like geforce 8800 GTS to a quadro FX4600 edit: not thad i need to softmod, one quadro fx4600 les on ebay
  15. i like it. time to take the d5400xs from shelves and make it dust free
  16. 1.77 is not beter for the sr-2 bus speed fom 38.84 ( x5687 @ 893.28mhz) to +336 (x5687 @ 7742 mhz ) even a max of 15016.91 mhz
  17. I am 37. Did join somware in 2009. Firts cold ( dice ) some ware early 2010. First ln2 whas whit alby and pj late in 2011. Don't remember exactlie my first oc but i think it whas whit a abit bp-6 or vp-6. Yes first oc and buld was a dual cpu
  18. hwbot need to add points, fm need to update it to a free upgrade if you have payd for 3dmark
  19. Ar all curent and old gen cpu's alowed , included the server cpu's ?
  20. One of my first cpu's thad i kild befor joining hear was a xp 2500+ but no regret whit this kill. the only i reale regret is killing a xeon x5690 cpu on wc.befor i have a second wone to join the party RIP +5ghz xeon cpu
  21. thx. so for stage 4 and 5 i can use win 10, all other stages need to be win 7.
  22. how can we use a non skylake cpu's in this stage? win 10 is not alowed whit non skylake cpu's
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