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Everything posted by Splave

  1. By sharing my post you have also broken NDA by the same logic go kill yourself
  2. was waiting for GPU-Z valid only but at least they benched a score!
  3. "DISCLAIMER: This is a retail CPU that was not provided or supplied by Intel Corporation. Therefore, as we have no NDA with Intel, we are available to publish any content we see fitting." If they have such balls why do they remove the traceable numbers on the IHS. This is like the dog that has frosting all over his face giving the IDK where the cake went look. They know they shouldnt be doing it but need the sweet sweet click ad revenue. The fact they add a disclaimer also goes to show you they know its not legit to be doing this.
  4. Can I post my scores now then before everyone can? Wouldn't mind being first place for one. Oh yeah I have morals. Damn morals always getting in the way.
  5. intel score poorly on this? Perhaps intel should have kaby running xtu on one side and amd with a black screen on the other smh
  6. 500 more flooding the market soon if you dont have any luck used
  7. They won't go after the media they will go after the person that gave it to the media. Also if you go through life believe everything in the media you will have a bad time.
  8. I'm not sure as YouTube is not preferred choice of media. Sure there are many reporting on hearsay which is fine IMO.
  9. You guys just aren't getting it. The first people that will pm why this feature isn't working right or why doesn't this RTL work or how come the mem is clocking so poorly are the same people championing leakers. If with full access before launch there are these issues think about if there was no access. "This Thread Is for me like "some Elite overclocker" are scared to lost their advantage of 99.99% of all other overlockers. So what? I don't care... loosing their advantage would end up in a fair competition" I guess it would be better if things were not tested before hand? I think that would probably not go well
  10. So if I sign an NDA and my dog writes the review I can post it? The place where you got the sample from is the one breaking the NDA obviously. I'm sure there are clauses that blanket the distributor and the knowing party as everyone says billion dollar company has lawyers for this type of thing. Added to the list thanks
  11. The logic in this thread is mind numbingly short sighted and hilarious. Are you kidding why don't you walk into a Walmart and push out a giant Cart of goods for free because why not they make billions a year right what's $500? @K404 Intel doesn't send places like toms samples pre launch they acquire them through motherboard vendors etc.
  12. If this thread stops one user from leaking it was worth my 20 seconds of typing no?
  13. Doesn't matter who didn't sign the NDA, it matters that the company that did sign it sent the cpu to someone that is leaking. Therefore the original signer is breaking the NDA. The problem is Intel is taking this very serious especially now that their competition is strengthening. How would it be if Intel decided not to send any CPUs even to manufacturers anymore and forced them instead to have a company representative only use them under their guidance. Bet the OC boards would be terrible at a design level that couldn't be fixed.
  14. thanks if you dont mind remove the hyper links
  15. Here I will post a list of people / websites breaking NDA for shame. Feel free to add your own I will update the OP and link all my intel contacts to the thread. Thanks! USERS: Zero_Dan = facebook pictures of CPU and Results Jon Lam Sam OCX StullenAndi Mark Campbell Websites: HWBOT Anandtech Tom's Hardware Bit-tech HKEPC HardOCP Hexus Coolaler overclock3d eteknix PS: Hwbot please stop pushing these website by linking them in your social media and news posts. You are only bringing them more ad revenue and clicks for breaking the rules as a reward PSS: PMing a friend or someone you trust to be quiet I dont care but in public is a no no.
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