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Everything posted by Splave

  1. 297.3 vs 297 you win congrats!
  2. Any way to stop screen loss under -45c idle FML benches fse whole test then at the end shows score then screen goes black. Using stilt tool and gpuweakii. Also a lot of brown screen hanging
  3. Lol like none of your timings man you were too tight
  4. I dont want to tarnish the lineup Im only allowed 1 international trip a year these days goodluck guys
  5. Thank goodness there are no textures on physics lol
  6. I paid just cause I support the idea, I dont plan on submitting to be honest
  7. Seems like some voltage is too high maybe just try less next time.
  8. Does it see them at stock? yo do you need that high of voltage on DMI and CB Killer? I dont usually raise DMI at all and CB Killer usually around 2.1v
  9. Company car is diesel VW beetle Trying to removing my account now but the contract is air tight. Will be forced to eat thermal grizzly for every meal.
  10. Boost the vddci?
  11. Thanks for not responding to my messages anymore..
  12. most likely get a stronger OC board if you want higher
  13. you can use [img*]https:\yourpicture.jpg[/img*] without the * so we dont have to click the links
  14. any chance we can get eVC support for this mine will be here friday thanks for posting the tools Elmor and Stilt
  15. start on auto if you are getting 51/51/8/7 then try 50/51/7/7 subtracting 1 from rtla and 1 from iola. you must change iol and rtl the same amount. If it doesnt work try flipping the order of your sticks, try lower and higher vdim and or higher SA.
  16. awesome work but where is 12??!@?
  17. I guess I should post one, I would simplify everything. Rankings, 2 leagues / pro / not pro. Diluting the leagues is not helping aka each revision brings a new league which just devalues the current leagues. Simplify the benches. If it needs some strange package or efficiency is changed by java version etc get rid of it. 3D if its not current or if it is EOL then retire it or make it HW only (I think this happening already) Remove the server stuff or make it HW points only, this is obvious. Serverbot.org maybe a better place. Simplify Contest, Remove the goddamn Esports site its awful. Leave the contest on hwbot where it should be.
  18. Post 1 thing you would change, one thing only. The most important thing.....what would it be?
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