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Everything posted by Strunkenbold

  1. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/opteron_8384/
  2. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/h170m-e_d3/
  3. Strunkenbold

    add HD 4350

    Its the damn AMD drivers. They decided that all low end cards are "series". Pretty all cards nowadays cant be identified by just looking what GPU-Z displaying. In the future GPU-Z should really start showing "real" name instead of just reading out the driver string. But I dont know if something like this will ever happen. This should be: https://www.techpowerup.com/gpudb/b349/sapphire-hd-4350-hypermemory.html Thus lanbonden is perfectly right.
  4. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/q1900m/
  5. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/s21e-20/
  6. http://hwbot.org/hardware/diskproduct/ultra_ii/
  7. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/915glm-v_(ms-7131)/
  8. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/ms-16j1/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/ms-16h5/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/r528/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/bap50-cp/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/easynote_tj75/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/m51va/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/d525tud/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/1411/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/a6km/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/8031/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/at4nm10t-i/
  9. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/sky_x9/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_gtx_980_notebook_mxm/
  10. 1. I changed Socket 3 to Socket 1/2/3. I guess you wont be satisfied with this but connecting more than one socket to CPU is technically not possible. 2. I split Socket 4/5/7 to Socket 5/7 and Socket 4 3. The same like point 1... 4. Also the same... 5. Do a google search... 6. Added Renamed the MMX ones. Still, CPU-Z says also Pentium MMX overdrive. Everyone who will submit and does _not_ look at intel site will now need brain and look in our db to see that we named them Pentium Overdrive MMX. One more thing, how long are you member of hwbot? You know that our search doesnt work like google. It is searching for the exact string. One one more thing, please keep your request as compact as possible. I just need a link for verification or a _short_ sentence what needs to be changed. I really dont want to read essays everytime I open a thread from you.
  11. Tried open the exe with 7zip? You need the special nforce driver on asrock page to get agp cards to work. IIRC Vista and Win7 are out due a driver limitation.
  12. Thx, I think the voltage was VID + 382mV. Im not sure if I hit fsb wall or if there could be some improvement with another mobo.
  13. Who finds the bios which firmware detects only Q0 cpus instead of R0? Bclk oc should be possible than. 103Mhz is a joke, external pll should actually give a lot more bclk than those internal ones we had with haswell but it seems like intel is doing anything to stop oc on budget pcs.
  14. Thats what I meant, instead of looking in our database where you can find those CPUs easily in the Pentium 1 category you write a lengthy text. The key is Pentium MMX OverDrive. Like its written in CPU World and even in your own link cpu-collection.
  15. Seems that the name of the card depends on the used driver. I renamed the card once again: http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_xpress_series_rs482m/
  16. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/se7525rp2/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/dg965ry/
  17. Ive added all known overdrive CPUs now. I think it is good to have a database which is as complete as possible. I guess more people start committing results when their hardware is already known by our db instead of they have to start a new thread here and ask for it. It looks like you dont even search anymore before reporting. MMX Overdrive 166 & 200 actually existed. So I really understand what Mr.Scott is saying.
  18. yeah right, seems we miss those ones. Added now all of them. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/celeron_j1800/
  19. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/tforce_tf520-a2/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/945gcm5-f_v2_(ms-7267_v4.2)/
  20. Actually I think we should not split those up. We could do this to be more correctly but we than also have to add: Mobile K6 Mobile K6-2 Embedded K6-2 Embedded K6-2+ Mobile K6-III-P Embedded K6-III+ This is a lot of stuff and none of them can be properly detected by any program. But I think its up to discussion.
  21. It is a single core. So it must be bugged...
  22. It cant suppose X58 Pro when you enter X58Pro. This needs to be fixed on your side.
  23. Which board should this be? I really dont feel like playing Sherlock. Please add some more information to your requests.
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