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Everything posted by Strunkenbold

  1. Ive already posted this in another thread. I think it should be clear now why those results didnt qualify for the stage.
  2. Doenst show enough informations like stock clocks, memory bus and so on.
  3. Ok I think it just got confirmed by a second person: http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/riva_tnt2_m64_8mb/ Picture would be still nice, especially of the chip. Are those really M64 chips or are they Vanta ones with some special bios. Also added 8Mb and 16Mb Vanta LE variants. http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/vanta_lt_8mb/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/vanta_lt_16mb/ Please guys, include everest or aida pics for those old cards with your next subs. No one can distinguish with just GPU-Z or PowerStrip. I will try to get the rules updated.
  4. http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_6800_agp_ddr2_128bit_nv40/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_9000_proaiw/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/rage_128_pro_128bit_32mb/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/riva_tnt_8mb/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/vanta_16mb/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/vanta_lt_8mb/ Did not found TNT2 M64 8MB on the net do you can show a picture of the card?
  5. Separated it: http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/rage_xl_pci/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/rage_xl_pci_integrated/
  6. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/661fx7mf/
  7. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/viotech_3100+/
  8. Honestly, I dont understand doing this work here on the forum once a month, which takes obviously a lot of time, versus creating a page on hwbot which takes just one time, time to create and than update itself automatically.
  9. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/z77_mpower_(ms-7751)/
  10. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/n3150-itx/
  11. Strunkenbold

    plz add

    P55 3X SLI does not exist, it is this one: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/p55_classified_200/
  12. FSB wise? I think no one was beyond 133Mhz with MVP3 yet. Making 800Mhz max possible. Aopen AX59 has already problems with 124Mhz and cant run this in any benchmark but my Epox can run 124Mhz with Cache enabled which is absolutely crazy in terms of speed. A good aladdin board is probably the way to go.
  13. Im really looking forward to this. Seems like you can take Socket 7 to a new level. 810Mhz booting is really extreme and I guess you can run all benchmarks at this frequency. I see sub 3min superpi 1m and sub 7min pifast incoming.
  14. Stermy, you can still show ur score even when its just for the oldschool ranking here in the forum. kotori, thx a lot Gumanoid, you had Motheboard cache enabled?
  15. I tasked it to Massman. May he has a solution.
  16. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/k7tm_pro_(ms-6340)/
  17. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/ls-486e/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/0u1325/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/a770e3/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/a88xi_ac_(ms-7913)/
  18. Strunkenbold

    plz add

  19. Thank you. I have to admit a very lucky one. Didnt expect that your backup is that good Gumanoid!
  20. You are right, you have indeed an 8 series chipset. But Massman restricted the stage to HM86/87. And your board hasnt one of these two. Haswell ULT cpus feature a one chip design. http://www.anandtech.com/show/7047/the-haswell-ultrabook-review-core-i74500u-tested/2 And there are differences to the two chip variants: http://www.notebookcheck.com/Intel-Haswell-Chipsaetze-8-Series-Chipsets.93706.0.html Those other results need to get moderated.
  21. I added your board but its no HM87/6 http://www.notebookcheck.com/Intel-Lynx-Point-LP-Chipset.103745.0.html http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/07v3mr/
  22. They are in db. There are probably too many variants so the selection box isnt sufficient. Its a bug.
  23. It may display wrong things but it still shows useful information. If there is SDR and 64bit displayed means: SDR 128bit If there is DDR and 64bit displayed means: SDR 64bit To be really sure you have to use everest / aida. Powerstrip is not enough. I had to drop many results in the 128bit section because of no validation though I know that all score under 1000points are basically made with 64bit memory interface.
  24. Ok I finally sorted those Rage cards. Rage Fury cards where always 128bit and 32Mb Memory. Means, you can submit with: Rage 128 (128bit, 32Mb) Rage 128 pro (128bit, 32Mb) And dont forget to attach a GPU-Z or Everest / AIDA window! Best is both. Massman, please also allow Rage (128bit, 32Mb).
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