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Everything posted by Strunkenbold

  1. Could you add EP- before MVP3G2? I just saw that other Epox boards have the same naming scheme in our db. Thx for fast response!
  2. Abit KA7 Abit KA7-100 http://cr.yp.to/hardware/abit/ka7.html Epox MVP3G2 http://www.anandtech.com/show/369 thx!
  3. True, but it has definitely some impact. 8470 vs 8609 Without Systeminfo and 3Dmark 11 1.01 you really boost your CT and PT score.
  4. Exactly, seems like 3DMark doesnt check for resolution it just picks maximum available resolution available and is happy with that, though its not the default test resolution. Sorry may should described that better in the beginning. I just thought that this problem is already known.
  5. Damn, youre right. I looked in the wrong datasheet. *facepalm* 00 means FPM, 05 is EDO and it seems 09 is also EDO. Ok will redo with my Toshiba TC5117400CSJ, these are really FPM.
  6. Show used resolution! You can run Vantage in lower res without anyone notice it, except for FM linked result of course.
  7. 266Mhz Dual Channel will be very hard... Are we about to see a new nforce 2 binning challenge?
  8. Epic Move! Thx a lot I owe you a beer!
  9. Strunkenbold

    ADD cpu

    Great! thx
  10. I cant tell you how much it helped but I think this and the added capacity did something towards stability. Will mod my CUSL2 also, maybe I can tell afterwards if its worth the effort.
  11. Will see, but actually thats a little bit too extreme for me. Thx anyway for your tips!
  12. Thx! Just made the obvious one's. Vnb, Vdroop, Vcore. I had the feeling that CPU can go even higher but mobo is holding me back. But Voltage doesnt seem to have much impact. Timings are more important.
  13. Thx Mate! Seems this CPU is a golden one. One does not simply beat Sam every day.
  14. Strunkenbold

    ADD cpu

    Already there: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/sempron_64_3200_palermo/ Another call for the mods to remove that "64" in the names!
  15. Does anyone still have the pics for this? I found something here http://vr-zone.com/articles/gigabyte-ga-h55n-usb3-load-line-regulation-over-current-protection-modifications-guide/10060.html or here http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?257104-GA-H55N-USB3-Mods But all pics are lost... Anyone?
  16. T9400 got moved to socket P, so ranking should have actually changed a bit...
  17. You misunderstand me, I didnt poke the staff because I have nothing else to do as benching for TC. Under normal circumstances I wouldnt care when TC starts, cause its done when its done and it starts when it starts. But this year we tried to be smart, looking at esport schedule and saw that it starts in April and organizing a meeting end of May. So know it is nearly end of May and TC will start _maybe_ in June. Of course its too late than, well you can understand that Im really upset.
  18. While I understand that things take time, it still would be useful to know when it starts. After two years our team will met finally again and one of the reasons was the TeamCup. Now it seems we were to early. This is a little bit disappointing. We relied on esports timeline, it seems this was a big mistake.
  19. Thx fixing this.
  20. Waza is more effective the less your CPU has cache. Its not only 5sec on old machines but more something like 30-60sec. PAT is in Memset Performance Mode. It was actually a feature for i875. It helps, though not that much. And for the MSI board, I used setfsb if I remember correctly. Damn its not too long ago. I really cant say if I used setfsb or some different prog.
  21. Some things: My northy is a good one. Though its not a crazy chip. With watercooling I can reach 3,9Ghz but thats it. The result itself was done with tweaked windows, waza and PAT enabled. IC7 is also a good mobo, so all in all and because P4 improve a lot with high memory bandwith its a good result although only 2T. I dont know how fast those VIA boards are in general but they should do 280-300Mhz fsb. Similar VIA Chips do 266Mhz by default. But there seems to be no pci lock on those systems and thats why sata controller seems to fail early (arround 210fsb). Once Sata controller is disabled and your are using ide, fsb should go pretty high. I wasnt able to set 2T successfully in Bios although my TCCDs should handle it. So its either bad bios or chipset related. But on i865/i875 1T, CPC, should be possible. It may be that those 1gb sticks dont want to work with 1T.
  22. Try CELERON LGA775 336. It wasnt actually a good idea to include this LGA775 in the middle of the name. Its just not that useful there...
  23. I just can say that youre right and this should be added. But you probably have to post this in support tickets so Antinomy can see it.
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