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Everything posted by Strunkenbold

  1. I have exactly the same issue with 1.61.5. With fresh XP install everything is fine. After changing cpu, cpu-z goes wild. Im currently on an nforce2 mobo.
  2. maybe Asus did something special
  3. On A8N-SLI ? @christian Will do...
  4. Bug with latest cpuz, changed fsb with clockgen but didnt update it in cpuz. 1.58 still works...
  5. Calm down mate. Its calling Team Benching. We benched very good. Maybe better than other Teams. But if one member didn't looked carefully over the cup rules and we, the more experienced benchers didnt make him aware of it, we failed.
  6. Simply cap general & virus like hdd startup...
  7. Thx for showing this. For me this gives me only 3-4pages extra on AMD. I fear there is something not right... "Internet Explorer restricted this..." When setting http to "1", error goes away. Anyone know the problem?
  8. Same Problem as Mr. Paco, with K10 and DDR2 mobo... 1.60 works though...
  9. Wow under 3h is simply insane! Hope you can get a screenshot of your run soon.
  10. Ticket ID: 1506 Priority: Low (1)Wrong socket, should be 775:\r\nhttp://www.hwbot.org/hardware/processors?from=processor_251#key=core_2_k6400_2.66ghz\r\n\r\n(2) There are some people claiming to use a LANparty UT nF3 250Gb with their core 2 x cpu. This cant be right. http://www.hwbot.org/benchmark/superpi/rankings?hardwareTypeId=motherboard_197#start=0#interval=20
  11. Ticket ID: 1492 Priority: Medium Still only C300 in database...\r\nhttp://www.crucial.com/eu/store/partspecs.aspx?imodule=CT128M4SSD2
  12. 1 day, 5 hours to go So this is wrong then?
  13. Isnt it necessary to have a valid submission to be accepted from the bot? Apart from that, this is a crazy result!
  14. Will be very tough to beat Turricans record. The one who crack the 800Mhz mark probably deserves the price.
  15. np, thx for your efforts.
  16. There is for some reason, already the ax59 pro in the database. But it has the wrong brand: "Via" instead of AOpen. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/ax59_pro/ Oh and chipset is not "Via V3" its Via MVP3.
  17. its here: http://www.hwbox.gr/news-h-o-t-hwbot-overclocking/12330-g-skil-overclocking-computex-2011-superpi-32m-lga1155-wr-apo-shamino-fredyama-pro.html
  18. Ticket ID: 1305 Priority: Low http://www.aopen.de/products_detail.aspx?auno=294#\r\n\r\nthx!
  19. Theres no specific trick. Its probably that your board cripples your ram performance. Also Onboard cache enabled? Use Wpcredit to find out. Enabled in the Bios doesnt mean its actually really enabled. maybe interesting: http://www.amdzone.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=45317 downloads: http://k6plus.com/index.php?name=Downloads&req=viewdownload&cid=1
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