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Everything posted by elmor

  1. Yes. With Fully Manual Mode = Disabled all voltage control is through the FIVR. With Fully Manual Mode = Enabled there's a few additional tricks applied which is interfering with the per-core voltage adjustments.
  2. Everything seems correct. I suspect that the GPU doesn't like that it's not seeing the VRM controller over SVI anymore (this method is changing the control to SMBus instead). Can you measure the output voltage and what happens to it when you press apply?
  3. WARNING: The GPU fan is not working after using this tool. Temperature readout is also not working. It's easy to fry your GPU if not taking care when using it. Use at your own risk. Realized this card has been left out. All you should need is EMBD for this card by The Stilt. Let me know if there are any problems.
  4. Yes that should be fine. You can check which fuse it's connected to by measuring the resistance between one of the capacitor pins (the one that's not connected to ground). But I think the cap should be connected to the side that still has 5V, so probably the capacitor is ok. I think it should be ok to short the fuse in order to test it, you don't have any peripherals connected there correct?
  5. Most likely those are stabilizing caps for 5V USB. Any 100uF 16V cap will do as replacement. If one of those caps is bad it's very possible it's causing the USB overcurrent issue you're seeing.
  6. Can you show which caps?
  7. USB over-current protection is normally caused by the resettable fuses being blown. If you're sure they're triggering for no reason you can try to short them manually. First check that all of them (black/white SMD parts marked with P) have 5V on both terminals. If you find one that doesn't this should be where your problem lies.
  8. Try the manual way again. You shouldn't write "0x70" in the data field but only "70". "0x" is just indicating that the value is using hexadecimal base.
  9. What if you try with a single stick and in different slots? Could be a specific slot or DIMM that's failing. It would be good to test with a different CPU as well if you have access to one.
  10. Sorry to hear about your board. New test version https://www.dropbox.com/s/sx26ahypqxv2njb/eVc%20161024.zip?dl=0 . If it's still not working, make another reg scan but this time check the SMBus alternative. You can also try these steps using "Send custom command" from the Menu. 1. (Read VID) Enter Address 20 Register E7 and check "R/W Word", then press Read. Note down the value (should be something like 0x0070). 2. (Write VID) Change Register to 21 (keep "R/W Word" checked) and enter the value you got (eg 0070), then press Write 3. (Apply VID) Change Register to D2, uncheck "R/W Word" and enter value 01 Take screenshots etc in case things don't work. You can also attach the generated log file.
  11. http://downloads.hwbot.org/downloads/tools/Z170/Intel%20ME%20System%20Tools%20v11.0%20r1.rar
  12. For higher clocks in Heaven on Z170, try increasing VCCIO (up to 1.45-1.5V). If you're talking about the slider range, you need to check "Overclocking range enhancement" in the settings.
  13. Sorry but this is an overclocking support thread for ASUS Strix GTX1080.
  14. Pin #39, there's a second pin for loop 2 (#38) but not sure if it's used. Nope, this one is different.
  15. Use the later t4 bios from here http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=455871#post455871
  16. Attached it.
  17. https://www.dropbox.com/s/o6lc8534wd5xkvd/eVc%20160929.zip?dl=0
  18. Try this. At least the readout and scan while monitoring should be fixed. I'm not sure why applying the voltage is failing (this was working before), but I've disabled a couple of settings to help iron out the issue. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vbunuoi2fsrnwwd/eVc%20160928.zip?dl=0
  19. The 060218 scan seems like it completed. Can you send me a screenshot of the .net framework error?
  20. Can you try a regscan with this version? https://www.dropbox.com/s/2qysotuywqydfqk/eVc%20v1b5%20160925.zip?dl=0
  21. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=462739
  22. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=462739
  23. WARNING: This may cause your system not to start. Use at your own risk. The below procedure allows you to flash an older BIOS on motherboards without USB BIOS Flashback feature. The lack of this feature means there's no simple way to recover if things go wrong. Software required UEFITool v0.21.5 Thread Mega Intel Flash Programming Tool for ME 11.0 Hwbot (note that you need to unzip using a software which supports RAR5) Prepare the BIOS file for use with FPT Get the BIOS for your motherboard in CAP format (in this case MAXIMUS-VIII-IMPACT-ASUS-0019.CAP) Open the CAP file in UEFITool Export to ROM (MAXIMUS-VIII-IMPACT-ASUS-0019.ROM) Using FPT to flash the BIOS on your system Open a command prompt with Administrator rights and navigate to your FPT directory Flash the BIOS by using the command fpt -bios -f BIOS_FILE.ROM Note: There are DOS/EFI/Win32/Win64 versions, this guide uses the Win64 version.
  24. Still no solution, trying to figure out a way to make this happen.
  25. I'm just back from vacation, will have some time to check this during the weekend.
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