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Everything posted by elmor

  1. Yeah you get to go again
  2. Are you using an original XP image or is it slimmed down? Did you boot from the USB and selected "Windows XP Setup Step 2 (GUI-mode)" after Step 1?
  3. Ah damn, anyhow go gimp your images! Had to try a lot until google wouldn't find it.
  4. You guys need to at least make sure reverse image lookup with Google doesn't work (Chaintech 7NJS Ultra ZENITH) https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZitaLRVBcgTSvE6IlOF0BUXF8OVupYAB1vIn_1qgSHPqUhOqoiAIh6j6V9IuCbIOSU6BnAtsqtKyZunPSe0Rf8xF-inw956DkOHgYOsdPjJAIf1cQXxETap4I-vEk5qxxwwdx2JpRA8BxFtchlswz_16wt3LVmKJb60TFTGBgiE2Ymk5r65VpTKizpxOvFuyUEk3VuG1OBCRR41aIZNC5jlHs6cXT9pSl2eXejtW4_1X3hx_1G7Sj7z32Y7HKahInlpHo4yGclzqj_16Va-TgToyerCtfj9ULVaplLkq1XExDhGn2lnLmxDwEcAizp3dj4b6foEatAqG3FxLLtidARHzNpJfZoR9RwfHvWXQAen66_1-h5aJ5TB_1wqr_1DQtKXV2Bn2Qdlgdgt7jOeOeZ62b0IhsUkbtAlrGApjRotTzMpdAC5aCqGwpBwz1LWOO4Lr-adllNwJHg-s9qjJYLsB9SyXfuOFubG0asNirqewVIqD3zKgRC0oNtPbaRL2aQ_196UDHCR6OmEZHpu4IjZDEiSOs3kIEns9zmFYindT-gG2ImXzX7yfbc8R8Dtgx3sVttOWxu1Hl3zvHOmvrqpTflBh2xHcHlj-SdctZjSGPUH-tKBh_1TDBMZhwqHT9oZ_1t0t0z8pl7oqRIKbiCstSia79ESARhGU0gRlm-I_11aZpLb7FYmwfaizC4Bd8ub24oy8y2dI7k7NDGrzS7AuuC955Nh4Jk75raw0J-pH5s04FJPNyNU6CvtnLxhQbatfka2rEPe4iNWQUgjgcW5OAzIwBeVEKDCRNwqMcs7VaZNsJxffQiMwyyTAzKf6cKSyhhvKYtvfSnK-cFAUv1tmNoLxP_1v_1gwIG_1_18Vz1Q0R-qPwvslrm3wOxaKIBhAOLBi93HFQZe9Hhat2iiptPJoPzD2k5amMzdsiuZacBPsqngXvXsZHbyt6vt_17ibB2XeRpj_1_1WxbKtNE-bKj-Rk8tXXQGoPqlkRFklW0AJgGveYj3IIFtD9Jnv_1DvU98SrOQ1h5C8PFQVltgBNpKJ0APY4_1xFEsppvTnn7CL-8WRyi0lpm-nC-jieMeSkNS8SrU9CCELFKWOHoL6vj_1X1zRlqtKK4NLRLHW8S3pBpettHogUns9MRw_16rEKQwdxDtuBXbWe4OPUW2wXWbcJ4l6s5W_1vJQ0LlOfJ9o79ReQReWZLDAL3zVa8mET_1ztDOETL11NdwuNlP9DvycPM4sM2G81-fy1bcRSIHw1gXVREX2uMcDf4Un9yHcS6F-lnRWTVTdICrb8rD_1V9eeTt9ArKwnGCaXWf3ZyaIvAuQyhuDQjVIjjEZdlbXVKrOQQBq5KaVnwhVkWaUQFaspy9VmO2VeWif-7ikGIiABdy5TjtMJBCYIXQNlnu0AikVPc4J6PSBOslPBHvKrfSt8nGpx87yJtKv3qE4ZvO-ofmjfFWDBA7irV8iLkmdfrGuZi7LDYXD7fvD0qWpQiVihazQ9nlk7MZlV4A2aP9cuG_1UcCjGkmYFMBkNAy0j0z2X3zKMH5MrS86Z08lIkC5QJLAm7eX6vi5dsiXfMWZPkfp8IqwI1oS1JlkteW4KEPE4vdALFmsMYDmpdEJDxFjBEUZcBuh8-F4yJ0DvmUteSeIeze2n2z8gnQiXO_1WirlypyI8aa98kMdailexcjBY7PD6GhXsoCe0A3ejtkVxqJuJ2RgmQ&hl=sv
  5. No, this is different. The thermal limit is only read by the GPU for throttling reasons. In this case it's the VRM controller detecting too high output current and shuts down. It doesn't rely on the power limit resistors.
  6. Matrix should not have this problem, especially at something low as 1.5V and 1700MHz. It does sound high for water however, how are your temperatures? Can you check the voltages of the card when this happens? VGPU should drop to ~0.4V if this is the case. It could also be GPU temp or VRM temp that goes too high and triggers a thermal shutdown. Your problem sounds like OCP yes, if you check the voltages of your card it would help. One Strix v2 died after I sent a full unlock solution so unfortunately I think it's not worth pursuing. For extreme benching the Matrix is what you want. (preferably with Samsung memory, I know it sucks there's no way to know until after buying)
  7. It's a hardware limit. Could perhaps provide a mod?
  8. Updated the link, previous BIOS didn't have XP support. Please download again if you already got it.
  9. Didn't quite make it in time for the Gskill qualifier but here's a further improved version for memory validation (4500+) M8I 0019
  10. http://occlub.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=571&p=60356&viewfull=1#post60356
  11. You're welcome. I tried Inspector but didn't work for me.
  12. P2 state (CUDA/OpenCL) downclocking is solved with t4 BIOSes below: * Matrix 980 Ti (Hynix memory) m980ti_ln2t4h.rom * Matrix 980 Ti, Strix 980Ti V2 with Digi+ VRM (Samsung memory) m980ti_ln2t4s.rom * Strix 980Ti V1 with SHE VRM (Hynix memory) s980ti1_ln2t4h.rom I've only tested the Matrix 980 Ti (Hynix memory) BIOS but the others should work as well. Please test and let me know. * Strix 980 Ti V1 tested and works * Memory overclocking is not working and doesn't seem fixable by BIOS. It also doesn't seem to affect the score a lot at least in GPUPI. However I found a workaround using Thermspy and its "Test CLK" feature. Any change to the P-states will remove your setting so I used GPUTweakII to force Always 3D Clock. Then you have to apply the memory clock in Thermspy while in boost state. In GPUPI you can achieve this by pressing Calculate, apply settings + OK. Before starting the benchmark while at the Start dialog box the card enters P2 boost state. During this time you can apply the memory clock using Thermspy and it will stick until the benchmark is finished. Values above 4096 gives an error but still applies.
  13. Impact BIOS with improved DRAM OC if using 2T and above 4250MHz DRAM frequency. Mainly helps on CHA (inner slot). Still has higher voltages enabled even without LN2 Mode. M8I 0015 (0411)
  14. Thanks, Albrecht had no problems with GTX 480 either. This seems to be related to SLI not working in XP on 0015.
  15. Use the same settings and benchmark please. Need to keep data comparable.
  16. Can you run with same settings as me please? Makes comparison so much easier.
  17. Incremental update to 0018, increase IGPU voltage limit to 2V+ M8E 0018 M8F 0018 M8G 0018 M8HA 0018 M8H 0018 M8I 0018 M8R 0018
  18. Can you guys help me reproduce this issue? Full settings and setup details please, preferably send me bios profile used as well. What kind of FPS do you expect on GTX480? Don't have one here but I tested with GTX580 and again with 980Ti but Gen 2 forced. See results below. M8E, 6700K, 2x8GB 150x28 (27 cache), 2100 DRAM, Xtreme Tweaking Enabled, FCLK 1GHz XP64 + 364.72 default settings no lod, average of 3 runs 3DM01 Nature GTX 980Ti 0007: 1828fps 0015: 1893fps GTX 980Ti (Force PCIE 2.0) 0007: 1927fps 0015: 1918fps GTX 580 861/2197 0007: 1390fps 0015: 1385fps As you can see on 980Ti 0015 is faster, but forcing Gen 2 boosts both to about the same higher performance. GTX 580 is the same on both for me.
  19. Can you try first using NVPM or GPUTweakII to force always 3D and see if the clocks stick then?
  20. I tested with 980Ti and is seeing the opposite. Gained about 60 fps going to 0015 from 0007 on M8E.
  21. I think few people realize how much time Daniel is putting into this, we're very happy to have him on our team.
  22. Keep up the good work Tobias!
  23. Look at the number of smileys in that post Don't take it too seriously.
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