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Everything posted by elmor

  1. Use this v1b5 test version https://www.dropbox.com/s/cqud2szp5va2ne3/eVc%20v1b5_splave02.zip?dl=0
  2. It's alright, solved with a test version. For some reason positive/negative values were reversed so I just added the negative offsets as well.
  3. http://forum.kingpincooling.com/showthread.php?t=3770
  4. There are DACs with finer grains + you can hook up several DACs to the same output. I'm a bit unclear about what kind of solution would you use to lower resistance?
  5. Why would anyone want higher voltage? Save the planet!
  6. This is essentially what the ASUS Hotwire feature does, except for the "smart" part. What you need is a current DAC + microcontroller with ADC. The current DAC can source/sink current into the feedback loop creating essentially the same effect as when you mod with a VR, except that it's digitally controlled. The microcontroller would handle the adjustments and an integrated ADC for easily reading out the voltages. I'd recommend getting started with an Arduino setup + something like this https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/products/analog/data-converters/digital-to-analog-converters/DS4402.html
  7. Below BIOSes have the only change that they allow for higher voltages without LN2 Mode. The reason why IGPU is disabled in LN2 Mode is because high Core PLL voltage might damage it. Specifically the HDMI output part can be affected. Use with caution. M8E 0017 M8F 0017 M8G 0017 M8HA 0017 M8H 0017 M8I 0017
  8. Ninja sales tactics by Roman
  9. Where's the innovation? From what I can tell it's an identical copy of Roman's tool?
  10. Latest BIOS is in this thread. Is there a problem now? Sorry only AHCI. If this happens to anyone else, try to turn of the PSU and wait for standby power to clear. Then power up and see if it works.
  11. You don't need the power limit mod because of the power limit, rather it's a problem of very high current going through those two resistors. At full speeds it's easily 30A through each and 4.5W of power that needs to be dissipated if you don't short them. Also there's additional input voltage droop which is less than ideal.
  12. Did you manage to get the memory VRM working?
  13. Seems this knowledge got lost between generations, a lot of people have been asking me about the "special 980 Ti XP driver". It's really as simple as adding the device ID of 980 Ti (17C8h) in nv4_dispi.inf the most current XP driver for say original GTX Titan. See example inf files here https://copy.com/uHw7us1P7jQZLyuK (353.62) Latest drivers as of writing 361.75 http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/97762/en-us (32bit) http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/97763/en-us (64bit)
  14. Mem should be this http://www.richtek.com/assets/product_file/RT8810/DS8810-01.pdf
  15. Enabling LN2 Mode will not help you get higher GPU core frequency, the only thing that could help is VRM Switching frequency which you can manually increase in GPUTweakII (VRM Clock = 1000 KHz).
  16. Yes, you can restore if the flash fails. Worst case you have to plug a second video card or use iGPU to flash back. Use m980ti_ln2t3h.rom here http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=427992&postcount=31 LN2 Mode enables the switch for second BIOS chip, extreme voltages, higher power limit and increases the VRM switching frequency by default.
  17. Should be ok without LN2 Mode, depends on your core quality. The bioses I put in that thread will allow you to get higher memory frequency even without LN2 Mode.
  18. Hi Chipero, why do you want to enable LN2 Mode for 24/7 use?
  19. Hi David, you can flash this bios without LN2 Mode enabled. But remember they are unofficial BIOSes with no warranty.
  20. Essentially needs to show ASUS/AMD/Nvidia in GPU-Z vendor tab. Might want to check out BIOSes with different vendor ID if you have a reference PCB or that Maxwell BIOS editor available
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