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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Lam, that doesn't mean much, there could be many reasons there or even different memory kit. my mems were pretty stuffed by the time I got around to XTU, plus board issues. So I think that statement is pointless.
  2. Great roundup !! The only thing I can see here that also could change results is in my testing I had a number if paste that could keep a very tight delta, the differances where what paste would hold together under massive load spikes. Gelid for me was the strongest at holding the load and not cracking losing all thermal transfer. Noctua paste was one I had tested that did not hold up well at all when tested with 3d06 CPU test at 6GHz.
  3. Ok I am sorry but showing on live stream is easy. James has shown on video. This can be done on live stream. This does not prove anything. Honestly john, your a proven cheat and liar before. I will gladly believe your "tweak" when you submit it to christian ney and he can replicate. Until then I see no reason to believe you. In the words of Andre "Prove It"
  4. Lol, im looking for an indian, my budget is also very low.
  5. Lol .... now lets play, guess who's trolling as MaxOC.
  6. /facepalm.... Funny that seeing as there is a kit sitting in the glass display shelf at the store here.... Anyway I think this thread has derailed enough. My apologies to websmile, never intended a pissing match.
  7. That was kinda my point at current conversion rate $425 euro = $600 Aud. Can be brought brand new for $50 more over here. If it was 2/3 of retail price I would happily buy, but I guess Europe much charge more or something.
  8. Are you firm on that price for the corsair Samsung's ? Seems rather expensive. I'll make an offer of 300US. If not, no disrespect.
  9. Plus we couldn't use impact not retail in time.
  10. Careful now XA or you will be getting a black surprise in your post box. ....
  11. Thank you Pieter and Christian. Look forward to Vegas, hope to see you guys there.
  12. WTF Dino... Participating in your own comps and winning.....
  13. Lol what about people who ambient temps are 0-4c
  14. Epic if i buy a MSI mobo I can instantly be pro Snow Board !!!!
  15. LMAO man MSI are just sad, now hiring actors to market overclocking. LOL just LOL. GOOO MAXXXXX LOL I think he is related to CHEW he doesnt even need a temp reader he does with finger like chew.
  16. nice been awhile since the old 1m was run. Might have a play later with my chip.
  17. Can you please check logs on IRQ send requests ?
  18. I had them all loaded and pressed submit. Screen said submitted. Then refreshedcomp window and only XTU showed up ?
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