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Everything posted by thebanik

  1. I am really feeling ashamed, sorrow, hate, all sorts of emotions for being part of such a hobby and such a community, we all are here because we have that competitive spirit which made us jump on to SS/Dice/Cascade/LN2 to get on better score than others, but that does not entail cheating to satisfy ur false ego....... I hope even if the cheating didnt happen on hwbot, still all concerned parties will be given some sort of punishment, not because you guyz are admins of a leaderboard, but I wud go on and say almost in charge of the hobby overclocking...And ur actions today might/will effect the future of this hobby.....
  2. I will try to be polite and assume that you are pretty naive and pretty new to overclocking and just idolise Youtube, so will explain to you why no1 else in the extreme overclocking questions Hicookie. First he has been overclocking for more than a few years. Have attended many a live International Overclocking Tournaments along with online Tournaments, and have secured very good positions in all of them(most of the time winning). Have been on top of rankings for a few years now. Works for a pretty respectable? company Gigabyte. Now many of the other overclockers here are very very experienced. They can/will detect a cheat sooner than later. Now coming to the AMD vs Intel thing, if it was Intel promoting it, they certainly would have publicized it more aggressively than presently. If you still keep on trolling then may god help you, Oh!!! and damn nice clocks there hicookie,
  3. I stopped because my chip is taking a time off during RMA,
  4. I started back in 2000?-2001 in College when only option to overclock was through changing jumpers and mods to the mobo. But then I started working and had enuf money to upgrade, then around 2006 stumbled across forums which had local oc threads with ranking going. From their got to know hwbot and the fun years began,
  5. I am not on my system right now, but I was on V1.1B2(read by CPUz), not sure Massman which this would be when compared to the BIOS you uploaded, this allowed me to overclock my rams pretty nicely, I was running normal 1600Mhz Tridents to almost 2200 CL8-9, B2B=0 http://hwbot.org/signature.img?iid=406746&thumb=false&iehack=.jpg
  6. ^^^thanks, chip in its prime had more in it, , cant compete in the MSI competition sadly....
  7. Nice clocks, able to repeat your Classified clocks on this board???
  8. my stupid chip has same cb and cbb with 2, 6 and 12t. i had been running 6c6t for quite a long time, and that didnt degrade it for sure
  9. ^^^Yup, I should have, but while testing the motherboard on air, had cores disabled to check on efficiency at somewhat higher clocks, thats what started the degradation. Chip not able to do even 5.4G 6c6t now after LN2 and higher vcore while just a couple of weeks ago it was able to do 5.88G, . So its not as rapid as Hipro suggested but it surely is there...
  10. Its also unfair if you are overclocking with a stock cooler and competing with some1 with Venomous/DH14, so I propose a separate class for each and every air/water cooler out there
  11. Thanks Rom and Duke, waiting for GPU Pot and maybe I will be able to compete with this round of hardware....
  12. You need to read the rules again, its not that hard. Once a product is available for purchase it starts getting point, ES or not. If ES and if your conscious(personally I dont see a problem) doesnt allow posting ES scores for points then the individual have an option to not compete for points. Great score movieman....Keep pushing it...
  13. Mods/Massman, There are some very very very clear indication of intended cheating.....Shouldnt this guy be banned or atleast all points be removed for cheating????
  14. thanks a lot.....
  15. Yup, infact I have seen only a few people have the Intel achievement whereas almost every1 uses Intel CPU's only.......
  16. thankyou Basicallyevolve, I also thought something is fishy about the score. But splave cleared it to me in a PM, he ran his CPU inside a fish tank and hence the fishy score,
  17. Sorry forgot about this, heres the gpu-z screen for 5450, By thebanik at 2010-02-03
  18. Ticket ID: 783 Priority: Low Please add the newly launched 5450 and 5570. If needed can pass on the GPUz info on 5450
  19. Damn nice Kal, now do the same with the 5870's...............
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