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Everything posted by thebanik

  1. OMG!!! that is insane, so much good luck centered at one person, .....Well congrats,
  2. Sumon is getting pretty nervous, I hope its a mistake???? He is learning the tricks of trade and is pretty enthusiastic about overclocking, so I hope any decision hwbot/mods makes is not in haste.......
  3. Are you sure you are in the right forum, . You do not bench on hwbot for the benefit of hwbot or its members. You should be on hwbot if you are competitive and do feel some/lots of passion to bench not only what you have but what you can beg, borrow and steal........
  4. I want to sit in a corner and cry, We will be back,
  5. Around 1$/Liter including home delivery in India. Dewars my own otherwise they charge 40$ for 3 days as rent and keep advance of 600$ as returnable security......
  6. Being in India, we are the ones who really face the problem of products being launched and still not available in our country but as most of the ocers before me has commented, anything beyond NDA is almost close to impossible to manage hence selected option 1.
  7. Not in support since it will be a waste of time for Hwbot admin if nothing else. New hardware will trump old in Global is something every overclocker knows and should expect. A delay/drop in points for 15-30 days should not make a difference atleast in the normal leagues. And Pro-OC where such a drop may matter is anyways the one which is manufacturers playground so such a rule will be ridiculous.
  8. Thanks a lot samendk!!!!! great collection for lazy people like me,
  9. Ah!!! I see even this is not getting any boints....and your score does not come on 2nd as well in list of 2500K CPUz submission
  10. Dom, why is it not being considered as your best 2500K submission??? Anyways again, congrats for the mindblowing chip,
  11. Isnt that a contradictory statement??? Reviewers change these settings to show that given equal opportunity what a platform/cpu/another hardware can do, if we were to run everything on manufacturer suggested settings, then we should go ahead and publish the results from Reviewers guides that manufacturers send us. Again, if you are not letting your readers know about the difference in boards default settings and how it would affect its users, then you are not doing your job properly???? If you are comparing motherboards, and you let the default turbo mode ON where some are running 3.9Ghz and some at 3.8Ghz then its not really a fair review.
  12. Batch # L116B565 - 53X Multi, 3 units
  13. In this age of FB fever going around, I vote for Like button on hwbot,
  14. awesome score man....hope MSI gives 2 ticket from Europe for Lords
  15. Perfect gift for a geek....lucky fella
  16. Its better to have only Futuremark benchmarks, that way atleast we will know that CPU speed was not changed for screenshot. Without it, we are leaving a lot solely on trust, and frankly I have lost it recently,
  17. awesome work Brian, CPUz still holds all our ocers fantasy.......:thumbs up:
  18. Why the rush to Rev. 4??? Its way too buggy seriously to have made production environment.....
  19. Dont know whether some1 has already reported it, or others are ok with it. But let me jot down the way bot behaves and how it should ideally behave IMO. If I am searching for a graphic card boints. I select the benchmark and then a particular score, when hitting browser back button, benchmark listed always go back to 3DM01, I am sure something similar would be happening with CPU too..... So is it possible that bot remembers the benchmark and page we were browsing???
  20. Have tried roughly around 50 chips, nothing better than a 5680 or so chip, . So you should be pretty happy, . Will you continue binning???
  21. Nice going Patch, that was pretty quick finding a 5.8G chip,
  22. hmmmm...I am sure some1 would have certainly reported it, but want to know, is there any plan to bring cooling method back with this new Rev? If yes then when???
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