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Everything posted by TiN

  1. Yes, specially when software utility just does not work It's no rocket science to solder 4 wires and two resistors and learn a little linux (this is what it needs actually to do for plain read/write I2C from RPI). Anyway, thanks. Updated an article with all STEP-by-STEP information of all software fiddles on RPI.
  2. LGA2011's I2C ain't connected to PCH And barely lots of people will like to risk their precious hardware hotswapping memory modules But after all, there are multiple ways to do the job, either way. I'm a hw person, so I like do it hardware way. Others who are nice with coding do in software, like Taiphoon Burner for example. And normal people don't care about any of these
  3. Btw, if anybody thinks it new and cool, let me refresh your memories Year 2010 DDR2 Ponyprog programmer from P5B Year 2005 Programming SPDs for DDR1 Winbond-BH5 Good ol direct access LPT port. Now we use linux to fiddle two pins on 100kHz. I barely call this "progress".. Looks like we will need supercomputer to fiddle LED in year 2020
  4. Available - now, you can get all needed files from article here. Cost - 0 USD, FREE. It's build yourself educational project, I don't personally have plans to make it like a "ready-to-go kit" at this moment. Just did it for own needs on a free weekend, nothing more.
  5. Competition ain't sleeping either Open-source/open-hardware with Raspberry Pi
  6. I can sell one 1400S haha, left from oscilloscope upgrade
  7. I'm not keeping anyone waiting, you more than welcome to do urself Smart complain
  8. Look what we got here today Is dinos right? Let's see...
  9. OK, everyone but Splave, get mod guide for free. Splave gets it for 1 sponge per photo
  10. Rbuass, u got the message I'll mod it, shoot guide, maybe small video running FSE, then remove epower and send back. If anything happens - not my fault
  11. EPower can support any load, including R9-290X. Yes, you do need to take care of fooling stock PWM controller signals, to make sure other power convertors and GPU get proper signals first, BEFORE using EVGA EPower for GPU power. For extreme OC we usually don't want GPU controlling our voltages (disregarding if it goes from stock VRM, or external VRM), which is reason of SVID interface there. Lack of knowledge to properly mod card does not mean it cannot work But anyway, let's see other VRM board with SVID working on 290X first. Having SVID will still do nothing, was there , done that before Rbuass run into power sequence/powergood issues after he disabled VGPU stock PWM controller, which is clearly the reason why he had no voltage on those secondary rails. Please don't mix different issues together. If anybody want - get me 290/290X and I'll post modding guide, lol Yes, education is expensive
  12. Finally someone did it right, happy to see uncork guide was not a waste of time Push moar
  13. For those who wanted, some news regarding little fine tune program for card volts. Here's thread with tool. Seems work fine on 780 CLASSIFIED, 770 CLASSIFIED, 680 CLASSIFIED, don't have others to try. Provided AS IS, untested and unchecked and violates your warranty right away, but we already knew that, when solder our cards, right? Just a heads up, folks.
  14. my Nikkor 50/1.4D and sigma 150/2.8 Macro Purple-ruple...
  15. Never had any problems, i often test w/o any insulation at all to debug something, so none of pots leaked on me Thread should be named "How not to bench with extreme cooling gear"
  16. Impressive, one of fastest zombie-cards here.. Keep pushing.
  17. Our 690 stomping is far from end http://hwbot.org/submission/2288351_tin_3dmark11___performance_2x_geforce_gtx_690_30405_marks To be continued
  18. Why not ? Need moar CPU juice anyway.. Started testing.. Will push cards this Saturday.
  19. This is unparallel reality There was spacer jammed to allow delta fan on first card VRM.
  20. Pretest #2, TWIN EVGA GEFORCE GTX 690, cooled by QUAD KPC TEK9 GEMINI's. Same system except second LN2 card, CPU still on air, overclocked to 4.9GHz. #4 3Dmark HOF in 3Dmark11 P http://3dmark.com/3dm11/3516594 1450MHz in Quad-SLI. Can do more, so will push more together with LN2 CPU next time.
  21. No need, GTX 690 power is good.
  22. Fastest single card on the planet? First one card action with next system INTEL I7 3960X @ AIR 4500MHZ EVGA E779 X79 CLASSIFIED EVGA GEFORCE GTX 690 TWO KINGPINCOOLING.COM TEK9 GEMINI EVGA NEX CLASSIFIED 1500W PSU What to run on GTX 690? Of course 3Dmark11 P I had some basic 1900+MHz experience with overclocking kepler GTX 680, so applied some magic two times to GTX 690 and cooled bad boy to -50°C. GTX690 reference design is tuned good, no issues with voltages, memory OC, no problems even pushed. I enjoyed playing with card. Result with one card: ORB URL: http://3dmark.com/3dm11/3506840 STEP TWO: have twin cards on LN2 together and overclock CPU to hell. Let's see what will happen next days Stay tuned
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