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Everything posted by Bobnova

  1. I agree. If MHz aren't shown correctly GPUz is mostly pointless.
  2. The idea, as I understand it, is that the previous model was not working. Regardless of how much many of the "pros" liked it. I have to agree with that assessment, the only thing the pro league did that the combined league did not is give the XOC people a chance to be at the top of a chart. A chart that not many people look at. The same names dominated, the same (almost complete lack of) coverage was gotten, the number of new people entering into benching stayed the same or dropped, the number of new faces at the top stayed the same or dropped. It did not benefit the sport. Will the Pro Cup benefit the sport? Hard to say. Does it have a chance? Yes. Is it a huge chance? Hard to say. But, and this is why I support it now, any chance beats not working, hasn't worked, has had long run of trying. What happens when the top people quit? The same thing that has always happened: New top people. Can people with an ego large enough to get to the top of the pro charts, league or otherwise, actually quit and receive no recognition anymore? That's hard to say, depends on the people. Quite personally I now welcome the chance, there's a chance that it will help the sport significantly, and it needs it. To the above post, absolutely correct there are two outcomes: 1) Failure. 2) Success. The pro league was a failure from the standpoint of the Big Picture, if not from the standpoint of the few people who could actually get recognition on it.
  3. Oh! Good to know. I'll keep that in mind for the next one, probably do some benching too. I'm about 6h northwest of sacto so it's a bit much to drop in, but I appreciate the invite!
  4. I generally use through-hole resistors (too lazy to order 0603s from digikey, really should), so I submerge 'em in hot glue to prevent the resistor getting bumped and ripping the cap off the PCB. You can't generally see much of the controller once I'm done Does make it a pain to get back to it later though, that's been an issue in the past.
  5. Bruuuuutal! Very nice! How many cards died to make this possible?
  6. Have fun! Too bad it's private, I'm not that far away from sacto.
  7. To me, the idea of having a WR, even briefly, hugely outweighs the points I'd get for it. Admittedly I have no WRs, I have never even been close to a WR, but still. As far as I know there were no league points (or, you know, leagues...) on the Orb way the hell back before HWBot existed. I know some of you were active then, were there leagues? Points? Or simply a (global) ranking per bench, just like there will still be with the pro cup?
  8. My only requests are that there be a decently specific line drawn and that it be enforced equally. Admittedly that's my basic request for all HWBot rules, but still. If that specific line is "gets $100k CPU trays", that's fine with me! I'm not going to be in the top20 regardless, I don't have the finances. I just want some well defined lines. Ideally that match on all the rules pages With some (good) luck I'd have a better chance of doing well in Pro Cup than I do in XOC, and certainly better than I would have in Pro League. Five benchmarks is far easier to do and maintain than 15 IMO.
  9. Now that XOC is full of Pros again, can we drop down to Enthusiast if we aren't 100% extreme cooling?
  10. I think Massman's point is that the Pros are here to entertain us. They're the ones that are supposed to be making OCing exciting and spreading it. The only way to do that is to entertain.
  11. Whoa. Now that is some innovative thinking I can get behind. Binning not being the end all answer? WHAT A CONCEPT! No wonder the top pros don't like the idea
  12. Ever use any of that stuff for benching? That's the line I'd draw.
  13. Nah it'll take another stage in the official decision making process for that. This is HWBot! The meaning of life is arguing with massman!
  14. Holy crap splave that's hilarious!
  15. I expect there to be a difference across the board. CPU bottleneck takes a lot to hit the point where twice the GPU performance doesn't help.
  16. Isn't Sweet's team directly supported by Gigabyte Brazil? He's in XOC last time I checked.
  17. Awesome, that's a plus. Does that include whoever started the team in the first place? I'd hate to see a team disappear like a popped soap bubble because Dude The First retired or something! Also I'd like to confirm: This first comp old, previously submitted, results can be used correct?
  18. So if a team dumps a couple members and brings in a couple new members, does that change the team's ranking? Along those same lines, what happens to the rankings of those users? Are we entering a New Era of Overclocking where there's a draft season and free agents and (more)signing bonuses?
  19. Not wanting to lose makes a lot of sense, really. I can definitely see that being the case. Hadn't really thought about it from a truly bulk money standpoint. Sort of silly as my income is almost entirely part of the similar budget for reviewer samples. Individual exposure wise you probably have more experience than I do, but it seems to me like being able to say you're the #6 Pro League Overclocker would be more useful than saying you're part of the #6 Pro Cup team. I just spent about 8 minutes sitting here trying to think of a decently solid sport analogy and failed, I guess that means it's a new situation. Test drivers in F1 maybe, they do a ton of work and are instrumental in the success of the team, but you don't hear much about them. Where I will agree without reservation is in that the Pro League was not getting OCing into the mainstream. There's a chance this will so what the hell, it's worth trying I guess Also, I'm glad you're more reasonable about criticism than some (many?) outfits, else I'd be long banned. It's appreciated.
  20. From that standpoint we should freeze rankings after X days, as anybody that beats that first guy may have benefited from him too.
  21. Ha, ASRock's lucky they pulled the Pro League stuff before it disappeared! Would have been pretty funny otherwise though
  22. Less of a risk I can see. Seems like less of a reward too. It'd be a death blow to the idea of anybody without team affiliation in the league of course, but I bet it'd be a lot cheaper for the manufacturers too as they could focus their efforts on 3-5 guys instead of spreading cards/mobos/cpus all over the place and hoping a person used their stuff and won. I totally agree on the broken part and the why. Not sure really what to do about it, if there was a way to make it financially viable for the top overclockers league people to go to pro cup that'd help. I can't see Mtech for instance being interested in dropping his now-very-visible name in favor of an unrelated team name. Maybe that's a personal problem on my part, ego or something. I think part of it is inherent to the sport, "skill" is important (though it's mostly memorized knowledge, rather than a physical skill), but money is far more important. It's a problem in auto racing too, the days of a driver's skill being able to carry a meh car to the front are over. They haven't figured out a solution either.
  23. Funny thing about most (all?) of that list... They make a crapload more money at it than the best OC people do But yeah, my odds are horrible. It takes way too much money, certainly far more than I have. If I recall correctly Andre binned over five years of my income (gross, not post-taxes...) worth of 2600ks. That is definitely pro league / cup type stuff. I wonder if we'll see a Team ROG headed by him. That might be the only hope for Pro Cup actually. That might be a step in the right direction. Especially if Team Gigabyte showed up, and Team MSI. That'd make writing HWBot advertising/announcement blurbs harder though I imagine. "Paid Advertiser Sets World Record, Stomps Other Paid Advertisers!" Come to think of it, what The K404 List all has in common that OCing doesn't is feeder series. To get to NASCAR you can get paid to drive in lower series, if you're good. Same for F1. Musicians have local shows, that gets them money. Artists are roughly as screwed as OCers. Possibly moreso.
  24. If I lived in a larger area I'd be inclined to agree, but there is only one (1) guy within five hours of me who benches that I know of. Makes it difficult.
  25. Team centric seems like it'd make things more difficult when trying to get manufacturer support. If I'm here and my team mates are scattered around the globe I don't see a local PC shop as very likely to give me much. You're essentially asking Pro people to give up the one and only marketable thing they have: A personal identity.
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