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Everything posted by GENiEBEN

  1. I think people are missing the point of a poll. I suggest next poll to be titled 'Should we ban genieben?', and then be disappointed.
  2. Unless you turn it into wine, in which case water is awesome.
  3. I am aware of that 'problem', it's because GPU-Z does not indicate the active GPU when dumping the report file.
  4. Fun Fact: If you have a Toshiba notebook with UEFI and FastBoot activated you can no longer enter bios unless you battery reset it.
  5. In that case, allow any combination as long as it doesn't go above 16 cores? That way the team could have: (8+4+2)/3 or (8+6)/3. As for the GPU's, I don't think there should be any problem. People will still want the 270X instead of 270/7870 since it's better performing, but you will increase participation.
  6. Why no 270 and 7870 in a stage where you allow 270X?
  7. You benched with SFE and prefetch on in the first place!?
  8. Updated to v1.6. This will be the last version under current format, moving towards a dedicated app that will allow users to build their own installers and maintain currently installed benchmarks/tools.
  9. Points off for now, unless Alex decides to move.
  10. December since I'd like to avoid everyone and have a valid excuse.
  11. >instructions unclear, processor fucked, girlfriend binned.
  12. Actually at that temp STOCK probably is better than aftermarket, or anything with heatpipes that is. Reason is that at slightly under 0 degrees the heatpipes stop working and you'll get higher temps than you'd have with positive ambient.
  13. Yea, you can thank SugarSync for losing my code. Will add this tonight hopefully, got nothing better to do. PS: will name it 3D12 just to annoy you
  14. ...or the 300 pounds coach not satisfied with the lap times you're pulling.
  15. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/a8_5500/
  16. It's a problem on our side, I've marked it for fixing once we sort out things. You can always re-upload the score with correct info, and I will just delete this one (PM me).
  17. Ciao barbo, I will, actually I did it at launch and then lost the code lol.
  18. Damn that's one lame rule, let's plan everyone's oc schedule, then make them submit first thing in the morning.
  19. Haha, sicuro da usare sul vostro 1000€ processore.
  20. Been running Spi32 all day now, I'm not even pro enough to suck at it.
  21. Not sure, it always was one of those unwritten rules I guess. Will propose to add it to the General Benchmark Rules anyway.
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