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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. I can understand, but we have to keep an open mind: I prefer giving for nearly each bench at least hardware points, so the user gets at least something in return for his efforts. Globals will be a continuous evolution, but again taking into account not only the latest and greatest hardware deserves them... Now we are currently brainstorming for the new points system: There will be points attributed also for the lower ranked (no more cut off system) Points will be linked to the rank and will be more of a fixed value: eg spot takes 150 points, doesn't matter if there's 100 or 100000 subs for it With the above in mind, the given points will gradually become lower if you go down the ranking, so no more weird jumps from 167.3 for nr 1 to 99.7 for nr2 and 2 points for nr 10
  2. Compo is up: https://hwbot.org/competition/superpi32LLCAMDzen/stage/5160_superpi_-_32m_with_benchmate
  3. removed it ProKon... shared points is nice for the end of year
  4. zen timings ? or what do you mean german panzer
  5. opened a compo for this: Superpi32 LLC is easier to monitor, compare,... locked at max 5006Mhz.
  6. Still beats me why people only post on facebook... don't get it
  7. Hwbot requires one verification screenhot including the benchmark score, render, CPUZ for CPU and memory. For AMD setups Benchmate tool is mandatory for submitting without RTC bug Check out the rules
  8. check out the rules, your verification screen should look as the one below (red is mandatory, green is optional
  9. Plz have a look at the CBR20 rules (click link) For AMD and Win8/10 the BenchMate benchmarking tool is mandatory due to possible RTC bug (benchmate.org) Your screenshot should look like this one:
  10. This might sound harsh but we can't devote any time in sorting that part of the code. We need to fully focus on getting the new simplified point system setup and the rest will follow. FYI this issue has been passed on and not adressed for at least a year. Thus nothing has been fixed, no matter how many times it was reported and it for sure is not gonna happen either in the final weeks of 2020 by the new programmer. Sorry but priorities are somewhere else...
  11. I count on you guys next year to help us figure out these (competition) points and such guys. I can't follow up on everything ?
  12. Frederik disabled the competition recalculation button, so had to be creative, unlocked the competition & did a few fake subs so it triggered a recalc for DivIII
  13. we are currently beta testing it for you, gpupi has some issues atm, Matt is fixing that and it might go into full release.
  14. Nice CPU there Sean, however HWBOT requires more verification via screenshot. For AMD CPUs and Win8/10 using the BenchMate tool is mandatory (download at benchmate.org) Here's an example of how your screenshot should look like:
  15. plz use competition background and provide a verifcation link with Futuremark/UL site plz (=not CPUZ validation)
  16. plz load the result in Port Royal and then retake the screenshot plz. 3DMark autosaves the files, they are in the 3Dmark folder in the My Documents folder.
  17. PEDRO2553 can you plz mail me some of your BenchMate datafiles sir to albrecht@hwbot.org @MATT, have a check for this one sir @_mat_ can you have plunge into this one. Seems more and more of these subs are heading over from the other side of the ocean
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