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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Sparks is on holiday, it could take some time before he replies. I'll text him
  2. The Russian hardware master 12 ( Vladimir Malyshev )
  3. Talk to 12 Maarten, I know they did a lot of that stuff with 8 series cards
  4. Moderators have no feelings, at least that is what I'm told back to the the thread plz...
  5. Since I pulled the score, which is not the same as deleting it. The score is still in the database and can be reinstated at any time. We have these options as moderator and the last option was chosen with the 06 score. The user and or Team captain get a warning as one of his scores was removed (=/= deleted) So Bullant contacted me about his score removal. Websmile also received a pm(s). I only got the chance to reply a few times after the first PM. He did send some screenshots to me and told about LOD at xx value and running D3D. A few hours later I tried to reply back and he already deleted his account. Allen seriously if we have to keep track of all the suspicious scores with the idea of being innocent till proven we will loose track. Just for your info me and Christian are already way over 1500 revised submissions and we are not even halfway the year. We are short in staff, so if one wants to give it a go, be my guest. To be honest I don't get the fuzz about all this. It feels like I deleted his account, did I do that? Anyway most of us already had scores removed for some reason, errors in screenshotting, bugged run, wrong OS,... Again we did not accuse Jayson of any cheating. The moderation team just wanted to know how he managed to get them FPS in both subtests. For me Bullant is welcome as he is an awesome memory tweaker and with him quitting it is a loss to the community. However I'm not gonna change my approach in moderation as I still have other stuff to do than just playing Dr Phil or Judge Judy
  6. Champions League Final, footy
  7. So we have to sit and wait till someone reports a score? I'm not judge Judy. That means we would moderate an average of 10 scores per day maybe. Depends if Liqmet is active I discussed this score with Websmile and he too found the score pretty abnormal... so we demanded an explenation. If we pick up something suspicious, (usually front page scores are the easiest) We ask for clarification how the score was achieved. Till now we got LOD xx and D3D as an answer... For those who have no clue, that 06 was pretty spectacular in Forest and Canyon, scoring way above the other top 3 LN2 cooled cards. Them on faster running GPU specs and faster Kaby CPUs... We just blocked that particular 06 score, he bailed out and deleted account...
  8. Known partys ( some are media only ) Monday 29 May 1900-... Corsair - Grand Hyatt Tuesday 30 May 1900-... Tweaktown - Brass Monkey Wednesday 31 May 1830-2130 Gigabyte - Marsalis Home Wednesday 31 May 2000-0000 Fractal - Marquee Taipei Wednesday 31 May 1900-0000 Technik PR - Inhouse Thursday 1 June 1900-2200 Galax I hope HWBOT will not plan on wednesday
  9. If Daniel comes I'm out
  10. note that you can only up a few times in the OS... Had no issues running SOC FORCE at 110+ it's all in the voltages (IO/SA) and using the right memory divider per board (some are bugged)... Sadmy this differs per bios... [M] Gigabyte Z97X-SOC FORCE Motherboard Review
  11. good job man... don't forget to submit scores to the ROG TEAM COMPETITION.. all help is welcome!!
  12. tried other PCIe slots ? I have had similar issues with GTX295 till I moved to another slot
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