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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. was already requested a long time ago... +350 ain't cutting it... and there's more to the Giga then just the iGP voltages...
  2. Own experience : That might be a one timer then, always had quite fast RMA with Gigabyte and MSI. 3-4 weeks ( if they don't refuse the RMA ofocurse ) Till now still 3 ASUS boards in RMA, it only has been 7 months... The ones before didn't go smooth either, took months and two of them came back in the same condition as before... pretty dead... or maybe better unrepaired If the shops don't swap the boards or credit you then you are into a lot of pain...
  3. I think I would eat my socks Andre if Pieter Jan ever stated in the open he hates ASUS... And for your info : ASUS boards might be better then the competitors, till they break and then it's RMA HELL... To be honest : I rather have support afterwards too iso the crappy handling we get in europe... take a look at Gigabyte, now that's customer support... ASUS still has to learn lots stuff off how to keep customers happy Secondly : So I hear this, I tell you that and finally it is coming back in a whole different story... isn't that human nature: that things you heard are never 100% a replicate of what was actually being told ? Really man get a grip... you start to sound again like that 16 year old spoiled brat from a few years back...
  4. Fire good, Stummerwinter bad, SOF the best of Germany ( for now... )
  5. Maybe it's time for some to look at the mirror and watch a greedy green monsta pop up What I encountered with manufacturers over the last years trying to be a hardware reviewer : 1) Treat your customers as human beings. We are not numbers, we bought your products and contribute to your monthly fee. 2) Warrant decent RMA, sorry for the one company, but you fail BIG TIME with your RMA depot in Tsjechia. 7 months later and still no RMA on 3 boards. RMAs takes weeks, not months... get it sorted ! 3) Listen to the community for feedback and adjust stuff if required. Stuff that pride, don't be stubborn. All products have flaws. Some manufacturers urgently need to step up. Serious reviewers want to help to make your products better, listen to them and make sure the bugs, flaws are no longer present in future bios updates, PCB revisions,... 4) I never understood the sample policy for reviewers. Are you even remotely serious with just 3-5 samples per motherboard lineup for 15 review sites spread out over 3 different countries ? I can't even grasp how hard it must be for the PR team, to manage all the sample requests. Must be a nitemare. 5) Stop spreading misleading posts on enthousiast forums. You will end up making yourself look ridicilous. The end user will have a product that might not work properly. While your threads claim no CB, CBB,... For most of us this is a just a hobby, for you it's bussiness. Never forget where you roots were ! And I can't see what's wrong by giving a public objective opinion. Are you directly a hater if you tell something bad or disagree with the company policy ? Must be a strange world I'm living in... Nuff said, let's go overclocking !
  6. no idea man, previous board had easy 1333Mhz sideport. It was a no brainer, this one can't even do it without making my screen totally unreadable... and the bios is still a complete mess with Thuban... Ebay is my warehouse Chris
  7. You missed a few CPU-Z tabs in your screenshot dude, nothing more nothing less... I never reported a missing validation link Rules are rules... Does reporting that make me a hypocrite ? Maybe, but I'll bet you will never forget eg the mem tab from now on... So plz put the neanderthaler talk aside and enjoy ur hobby...
  8. loosen tRRD, tRRSR and tWWSR, it's too tight on Gigabyte. Boards should be able to do the same as the ASUS ones...
  9. Then we got the 3 duds then Marc. Our best one was the 3570K stable at 6400 2800Mhz 32M, 2933 not in a million lightyears Both the ES 3770K didn't even boot at 2800 on the Gene V... 23 FTW I know some Giga related people have good IMC capable CPUs, wonder how they did the binning. My retail was busy with 32M 7th loop on air, with the TridentX kit at -20°C, rebooted for more MHz ( from 4 - to 5ghz ) 55555555555555555555555,23333333333 post code errors looooooooool
  10. This CPU is more than you can handle chris, hope it goes a long time, is a good one !!
  11. WTF biased moderators, the bot is going down
  12. Good one Chris, now you will really become nr1 of Germany
  13. So CN you are now secretely typing in the little mens room. Your girlie doesn't seem to be aware you are browsing your fav sites You nauty boy !!
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