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Everything posted by TaPaKaH

  1. overclocking addiction is like drug addiction ... don't think that a guy like TiN can get away from it without medical assistance
  2. I stopped benching because I've already gone through all my collection of CPUs and waiting for an incoming eBay package
  3. You told me you got over 6GHz, are you sure you uploaded the correct file?
  4. Andre has never denied that his scores are result of intensive binning, which, in this case, works much better than any tweaking
  5. that board can give 2160xxx eff, so 5:12 is possible with this rig
  6. back in 2000 i overclocked my p3-650 to 806MHz just to have a faster PC than my classmate (who had 733MHz P3) ... that's how it started
  7. 411xx eff , with BIOS w/o GT support eff should be 406xx (~0.07s faster at same clocks)
  8. what's taking so long ?
  9. you DO have a point here, I wouldn't mind if it got submitted with MaxxMem, for instance
  10. I guess you MUST submit is as a W3520, otherwise everybody would've been doing the same thing with G92 nvidia
  11. http://hwbot.org/browseHardwareProcessors.do?cpuSubFamilyId=16 Bug #1 Same CPU (1.4GHz Northwood) is entered two times (ID 2148 and 2153) Bug #2 You have too many 2.8GHz Northwoods in there. There are only 2 types of 2.8GHz Northwood - the "B" model (133 bus, no HT, ID 1427) and the "C" model (200 bus, with HT, ID 1428). So, WTH is the non-letter category? (ID 335) If you check it, all submissions in there are either "B" or "C" models which need to be put in correct categories, and ID 335 deleted.
  12. considering 100% gold is about 1100-1150, knut is a true 939 king
  13. PI still on vista? stop teasing people
  14. +13 is warm actually, here is +9 night, +11 day
  15. I've tried various Hyper kits on various X48 boards - they're not meant to work together. First, 2x2Gb causes a lot of load on MCH (which results in lower clocks -> bad) and 2x1Gb is difficult to find. Second, what can you run your hypers at? 950-1000 6-7-6 at best ... gets easily beaten with GTR same freq but 7-6-6/7-6-5
  16. default cooling, only changed thermal paste
  17. CR is actually 1T I use MemSet 3.4beta3 because newer versions tend to misread and mis-set the tRTP parameter (more important than misreading CR) George, these are my trusty old 14400 Dominators (GTR) ... can do this and this
  18. overclockers league - why limit people with 300 hardware points? why not to limit them to, say, 25 best hardware submissions? 2 point grinders will drop, and people with twenty five 20-50pt submittions (which are not easy to make) will have at least theoretical chance of getting into the top 10? (25x50=1250hardware pts) otherwise, now the overclockers league gives a huge advantage to those who use lots of high-end hardware which, in my personal definition of overclocking, is not a measure of skill.
  19. How much Vtt / PLL / IOH voltage did you use?
  20. if those are B1 and "random batch" than it's really not bad
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