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Everything posted by TaPaKaH

  1. looks like you've messed up your waza a bit (started pi far too soon), but AMAZING efficency there!
  2. also, it's 6000MHz, not 6200 congrats on finding that CPU, getting/running one of those top Prescotts is definitely not easy
  3. "magic" button back here too, thanks!
  4. so basically, you're looking for a man in pink strings who will run some 3D benchmarks with his handpicked 980X and GTX480, right ?
  5. more like δT(°)/δt(s)->0 , as pot doesn't move along some imaginary Ox/Oy/Oz axis anyway
  6. who said this is w/o copywaza? i only see a lack of maxmem
  7. ...don't have a backup against this
  8. am not yet into AM3 - is mem controller on low end CPUs so crippled that 800MHz is an "achievement" ?
  9. ...hope he doesn't have backups
  10. George, you could have bent one of memory slots (trying to keep it 2mm further away from the cpu) like I did on mine - solder quality on these boards is crappy in some places 5mins in the oven should fix your issue
  11. with a very good 870 and 1Gb module it is easily possible, I did 274 with 2:12 (link) with 2Gb module
  12. congrats on the lead in the "best CPU" race
  13. can't see the screen ... but 9:19 with Clarkdale? wow!
  14. whew ... I thought this was on H55N so my 32M is in trouble
  15. tighter tRFC (~60) / tRTP (~3) don't help ?
  16. I can confirm that "000" string is because of BIOS microcode option, not because of someone trying to hide it's an ES
  17. well, that's actually nothing new .. even in P6T times you needed to boot around 4.8G with low multi but high Vcore, adjust multi from OS and bench
  18. can you tell me the batch of that 631 ?
  19. on hoes, Massman enters ... will my backups hold up ?
  20. can you please tell batch and PCB code?
  21. how the hell did you get that eff out of a Clarkdale with that low QPI and that loose mem ?
  22. 1175 7-8-7 (tRRD/tRTP/tWTP/tWTR(same rank) = 4/4/20/18) and 940 6-6-5 (2/2/18/16) gets almost exactly the same score for me (around 8:49.1), changing tRP from 7 to 6 gained me good 1.5 seconds
  23. if you don't overdoit with the subs (tRRD,tRTP and WtR(same rank)) then works fine
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