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Everything posted by Samsarulz

  1. Samsarulz

    [FS] 6700k rox

    Both are Vietnam, but whole different batch .
  2. Gone? Corsair Dominator Platinum Orange DDR4-3400 16G(4x4) kit -$80? Anywhere Fancy DDR4 made specifically for SOC Champ, nothing special about it anymore with B/E Die.
  3. 50 USD shipped?
  4. Im now in Chile. Can you please confirm me your PP adrresss with a PM? Regards
  5. Then Im interesrted. Can you hold them for me until this saturday? Currently im in Aruba but WiFi/ internet acces is public and dont want to put data here. Will be back in Chile this friday (23th). Regards
  6. Galax kit can include dead stick? Enviado desde mi A0001 mediante Tapatalk
  7. SI, you should add an image. Think just reading about damage sounds like a lot, maybe is less seeing it . By the way I cant afford it, just giving an advice. GLWS!
  8. Then according to@Fatboy, it should be classified as Limited, but still "gray area". Funny seeing people doing a witch hunt for this MB. Hope de can reach a solution. Enviado desde mi A0001 mediante Tapatalk
  9. As far as I know, ES hardware lacks S/N information and also warranty. If "Z270 Giga LN2" is offered with warranty from manufacturer and also has S/N (white sticker on box and motherboard) it will still be considered an ES product? In my opinion (aside from rules) arguing about a MB being ES or not is like reporting a i3 6320 XTU score because you (any one ) couldn´t do 742/743.
  10. atill available?
  11. any performance test in air/water? How many voltage for 4500 MHz ?
  12. 666 for the beast, 6666 for DJ, grat result!
  13. Good joke, but green + red = brown (deep in shit) haha. GLWS Enviado desde mi A0001 mediante Tapatalk
  14. GTX 580 Class looks great , too bad Im at red numbers. Good seller
  15. This is like World of Tanks? but with ships :v ? Regards
  16. GK suggested B) M. Beier. Enviado desde mi A0001 mediante Tapatalk
  17. Justo do as GK say . Great work Brendan. Kudos for all the trouble Enviado desde mi A0001 mediante Tapatalk
  18. I usually buy some stuff here and dont care too much for binned rejects for myself since those are way better than the average I can find here (specially memory kits). As for CPUs, stores in Chile are very expensive and most of the people (even plebs) dont care about if CPU was delidded or not (but must be sealed of course haha), only if it works and if is cheap (always inform them if was delidded, etc). As they say, the garbage for ones is the treasure for others.
  19. so wow, much OC. Ban hammer plz... to XTU (y)
  20. Thanks. Hope those DCII can put a higher GAP!
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