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Everything posted by Samsarulz

  1. Samsarulz

    [EU] EVGA SR-2

    It seems so. I think the same . TIM or rubber jaja
  2. what was best or better results with Air/Water? Do you think is capable of 1100 custom water? Any special BIOS or SW mod to voltage to go up?
  3. still available?
  4. Give me until Tuesday. There is a high % I can pay for this too . Regards
  5. Thanks. I already bought it at Newegg. Will have it here on tuesday . Looking forward to reach XTU 742 @ 6320. Enviado desde mi A0001 mediante Tapatalk
  6. Sold OCF to a friend jeje just to purchase the mOCF myself. Only option is Newegg + forwarding address. Enviado desde mi A0001 mediante Tapatalk
  7. Lets both help funsoul. I can go with "3930K #1", if you are really interested un 4930K #2 . Regards
  8. Interested in: Rampage IV Black Edition #2- + 4930K #2 Will send MP
  9. Sent PM for Gigabyte GA-EP45-Extreme - 80EUR Maybe will like to ask for price if I add 3x2GB Adata XPG 1866 kit
  10. Remember that all of them ship to USA . Will give you the address ASAP
  11. Not a chance . Send PP address. Couldnt reply earlier because have proxy issues with HW Bot = cant enter forum Already Paid :v
  12. Any validation with 1 or both cards?
  13. Samsarulz

    i7 5930k

    I will take it. PM
  14. I will take it
  15. buu, interested in CPU but it seems is already paid
  16. Caseking warranty can be transferred?
  17. Too bad you are from far far away . GLWS!
  18. Great to hear. Now I just have to sell my Z170 OCF in order tu purchase the Z170m . At least now there is some stock in Newegg.
  19. Z170M OCF retail comes with Sky OC removed since microcode update? sorry if its an off topic question. By the way awesome topic Splave, always sharing good reading!
  20. Ok. Is a old MB but really beautiful jaja. Have one full box (maybe 1-2 SATA are lost). Never on cold, never used plastidit, vaseline, etc. Only used on air/water. I use it sometimes when I switch platforms. Can add some images later. The only con is that Im from Chile, so maybe to the rest of the world is a bit more expensive. Just have to quote. Regards
  21. since theres a lot of people interested I can grab some
  22. 250-300 USD. Bought one similar for 250 USD from Filmbot, but was 5 GHz stable at a bit higher voltage. What else it can do in order to gain some more value? Regards
  23. Forgot to say your CPU is not delided
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