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Everything posted by RULE

  1. 80€?
  2. I'm talking about global efficiency. Basically run better ram and better mobo give you best efficiency. Exemple if someone run the ram 1100 mhz vs 1300 mhz, the efficiency is already reflected in the frequency*time. I'll study the Diminishing returns later, interesting stuff. You're right mate, i'll fix that later. You are on top now and deserve it. This Efficiency ranking for me have more sense apply at the qualifying contests, because at the final is more important have efficient overclockers instead of lucky overclockers. Imho there's the 32m in all the contests.
  3. Hi everyone, some people work hard for have good efficiency in our benchmark result, but they can't be always competitive, not all the hwbot member can't spend the same quantity of money. I wanna discus with you about this idea: I'm sorry if some value on the table is incorrect, the example is based on 4770k spi32m rankings. Efficiency is = frequency(mhz)*time(s) Improvment rankings is = original rankings - efficiency rankings Of course the Efficiency rankings can only apply for hw point not global, because you can't compare the frequency of different architetture. Spi32m is the best candidate because without bugs. The only problem i see is easy cheating lowering the frequency before save the screen. Is also probably on this table someone have lowered the frequency for save the result. I wanna discuss this with the comunity because is important catch new member, but is also important work for keep the overclocker on hwbot. Is also important for some sponsor, sponsoring efficent guys is more probably some WR, if the WR is the point of sponsorship.
  4. bump
  5. I can't catch new screenshots anymore because i'm without platform to test it. VDIMM usualy +/- 1,95v
  6. I sell my DD3 PSC: G.Skill F3-17600CL7D-4GBPIS (2x2gb) http://hwbot.org/submission/2420995_ I ask 100€ + shipping on you, as you prefer. Acept PayPal or Bank Trasfer SEPA.
  7. RULE


    F3-17600CL7-2GBPIS ? http://hwbot.org/submission/2420995_ Never had the chance to test it with a good IMC.
  8. i also am interested , let me know.
  9. Shame on you guys for buying that tool I am working on a open source device for read some voltage imput with a good accuracy and k-probe temp.
  10. There's the nvidia gpu clock limit, we need homemade bios to bypass it....
  11. I realy don't understand, why is all bugged if is all inline with cpu frequency? http://hwbot.org/benchmark/ucbench_2011/rankings?start=5&hardwareTypeId=processor_1741&cores=4#start=0#interval=20 If you post a 4400 mhz with an higher score than a 5200 mhz can be strange, but we are all inline with frequency/score. In Hwbot rules there's something about 'etic' and nobody here have broken that rule, unlike you that when you found out how to have bugged score you posted a lot of invalid results. so stop with this submission report...
  12. try nvidia inspector. GPU is B1 step?
  13. An HWBOT moderator, "GENiEBEN", has marked one of your submissions as 'checked by a moderator'. This was the reason the user gave: //ticket closed
  14. Thank you cl3p20. Any news about BIOS band ABextreme?
  15. which card do you have chose buddy? 1gb/2gb? You already have one on your hand? can tell us which vrm controller use?
  16. I've run the bench with standard setting 811 days ago....So if my is bugged is all bugged. Mooose you can be right but you can't talk me like that! I'm not your dog...
  17. i do not like how you talk me. Who are you? i sure don't discuss nothing with you. If is bugged it is also the others below me on the rank.
  18. someone report this submission bugged? who? For me is in line with the other.
  19. Yes i know how to use the ePower, u need some skill to solder it on the board. Is not a matter of first experience sub-zero but some experience with soldering iron. If you are interest can read some thread on http://kingpincooling.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=31 That's one of my jobs http://kingpincooling.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2671 the 2gb card have a poor alimentation on gpu, ePower need for sure. Msi release ln2 bios for all the cards? That's important.
  20. I think the best choice can be N750 TF 1GD5/OC + 2 EVGA ePower. I don't know if 2GB can help in firestrike.
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