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Everything posted by RULE

  1. So unsportsmanlike because i hide my setting? i work hours to find the best efficiency combination and i don't wanna share.... Cpuz reading with 100,00 BCLK x45 4506 mhz and i'm bunnying around? You think i'm cheating? Realy? C'mon my attitude is find after 1 months of waste work and a large waste of money, you can understand my frustration.
  2. For XTU the 0 ghz reading problem is come out also at AOOC qualifier, i don't remember you had remove some submission like: http://hwbot.org/submission/2624215 I also try to install the latest version of XTU but i could not duo some autentication problem.... Also the submission was submitted a lot of time ago, why you wait only today to remove that? That's not correct. I burned 80lt of LN2 only for XTU (244€) so i'm realy fu°°ing pissed! For GPUPI you can be right, rules ar rules. So delete this: http://hwbot.org/submission/2843676_splave_rom_gpupi___1b_geforce_gtx_titan_x_17sec_919ms
  3. It's a nice cpu mate, you switch your first cpu?
  4. Why my xtu submission is missing? Also GPUPI reported for hidden setting?
  5. quick question. Is compatible with all evap? I've a DimasTech SS
  6. With this kit wasn't possible push more also @ 2666. I'll test another kit in the next days.
  7. I run 2800 only because at 2666 twcl 6 was instable, so i had tryed to bootup 2800 with twcl 7. Next time i'll try some 2666 tight before raise up the voltage. Thank you Bullant.
  8. This is my second kit ever, i had run on LN2, the first one was g.skill 2200c7 Pi. The first kit i had run on z87 was capable to run full pot -150°c on the modules. This one was always 2200c7 Pi, but at -120°c i had some instability to bootup and some random bluescreen. The max stable voltage was 2,20V, impossible push more. You guys use thermal grease or thermal pad e from memory ic to pot modules?
  9. The top 15 oc-esport is calculated when the competition is ended?
  10. Today i finaly run some PSC on cold, on the z97 OCF. That's the first kit of 2. Not the best IMC. http://hwbot.org/submission/2900765 The board work great Now i'll test the second kit and run some 5g/5g 32m
  11. So close to 5.53.XXX Crazy run mate!
  12. Sorry i edited the submission. The cpu was under SS -40°c under load
  13. The board is a z97 OCF, i've not different cpu to test if is a weak IMC. WIth 2200 pi's and with very relax timing i'm able to close an XTU run @ 2600, with SA +400/ analog IO +250/ digital IO +300. With my previous CPU 4770k and 4790k, i hadn't problem at all to run 2666 cl 8-12-8.
  14. Hi Bull, i've some issue trying to run properly my 2200 cl7 pi's, on XTU. I'm unable to reach 2666mhz and usually i've not problem at all. What voltage use for System Agent-Analog IO-Digital IO? Thank you
  15. PM send for z97 and TrueSpirit
  16. Why the Elite can partecipate in the challenger series? They don't have the Pro OC series? THE CHALLENGER SERIES IS A COMPETITION STRUCTURE FOR BOTH THE EXTREME AND ENTHUSIAST OVERCLOCKERS.
  17. Why the Elite guys can participate at Challenger Division? That's not have any sense!
  18. Consider this sold. I send you a PM.
  19. A quick question, but plastidip and LET is not the same, am I right? The LET seems have some dielectric property.
  20. ok, now i realize! I've the first versione and the top is plastic, your looks like aluminium.
  21. which ram pot is this Bullant?
  22. i've never use LET, but it's easy to remove?
  23. I'm considering... G.skill oc world cup is by invitation?
  24. Shipped to Italy? I'm ready to pay, if you accept paypal
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