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Everything posted by RULE

  1. Ok in case send me a PM
  2. 4790k shipped to Italy?
  3. I have to search in google D-BAG...LoL You can only hate me for my bad english.
  4. 8 x GPU? Is supported?
  5. Hi, i can be interested in a dual kit, but i don't want the stick then clock worse, like Luumi said.
  6. RULE

    PSC,BBSE and matrix XCB

    I'm also interested in the #2 if still available
  7. Count me too for Poitier, from Italy!
  8. RULE

    Part out....

    Gigabyte GTX 570 - 1060/1160 3d11, 1050/1136 vantage. no mods. Check subs. Should make good points on mod/cold. £130 still available?
  9. Nice run Dancop. Wath's the memory kit? And cooling? @massman need: memory type-freaquency-primary timings-Vdram mandatory for first page
  10. someone have already try to run dual channel for decrease the latency?
  11. Nice, you have found a solution for 1700mhz block? Or switch the card?
  12. Out for AOOC, 1 dramm channel dead.
  13. which version are you using guys? 5.0?
  14. I can't understand how you guys can reach that xtu result. I've try today with memory on ln2 @ 1400 8-12-8-28 subtimings, rtl, boundary all tight and i can't go above than 1308. There's some magic stuff?
  15. looks like bugged. look at cpu utilization on the graphic compare to the other. Maybe i'm wrong, but the screenshoot is still not valid http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=110929&page=12
  16. Nice, i'm working on gene too. can you share SA - digital and analog I/0 voltage?
  17. realy strong memory, great score man!
  18. is more difficult than that, psc + skills win, psc without skills loose.
  19. i'm for replace xtu with spi 32m @ 5ghz, in the finals there's always spi 32m and if the purpose of xtu @ 5ghz was see who is the more skilled with the same frequency, well the spi 32 can be perfect. I don't waste my time trying to compete with some bugged result. But this is only my opinion
  20. hi chispy, how much can be the priority shipping to Italy, for one OC panel?
  21. raules009 you have pm
  22. It's because the people don't know me, they prefer buy from VIP i assume... 1355 7-11-7 was limited by imc, i'm sure with a good one, can do better. never see memory degrading under ln2... Is not so strange i've not friends to test the memory, i've not friends at all. The last test on air is this, but is not thight because don't need was only a test http://hwbot.org/submission/2529350_ your comparison is impossible, the memory in your example have a shame RTL 40-41-4-4 on my screen was 38-39-4-4 and in therm of efficiency it means a lot of different.
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