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Everything posted by Trouffman

  1. Got my tickets Arriving May 30th... until.... June 24th ! W000000t
  2. High Score 6020 By : dRweEz : http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=302267&postcount=16
  3. ahahah need to get anti-cheat system working first !
  4. Enjoy Play with Massman ! bwahhah
  5. Gonna be there, still discussing the flight date with job / gf Will arrive befor emay 31st (because there is armin van buureen playing in TPE the 31st) and might be staying 3 or 4 weeks Definetly lookign forward to it !
  6. good news will look a ticket soon
  7. I think that one division is a good idea to limit to flooding by big name. One concern would be teams of 5/6 people trying to be on top in each category instead of participating in the Pro OC. Enjoy
  8. We could go to the stone BBQ place ahahah
  9. Pure speculation : According to ALL the previous MOA event it happened betwen the very end of august to mid-october with a sweet spot on the third week of september. according the lastest rumors about the new intel chipset etc I guess they will be quite busy until mid september best case. So let`s assume it will be between mid sept and mid oct.
  10. By sales : we would then have 8 slot in indonesia, 8 in brasil, 4 in chile, 12 in germany, 1 in france, 4 for india
  11. true story... :rolleye: looking in der8auer's direction.....
  12. Not going, saving for Computex... damn... this show went down
  13. Nice achievement ! now let's drink 200K liters of beer to celebrate that !
  14. Definetly going not sure if 2 weeks or 4 weeks tho. Definetly lookign to the OC events !
  15. This is getting really exciting again
  16. We are at the location, setting up long story, the last package arrived an hur ago... will be fun to test. At least strong internet connection. !
  17. Special Linde Contact Come say hi and introduce yourself. Could discuss about future plan
  18. You can still drive up to come mate can make up a place for ya
  19. Hey guys Gonna be benching all week end long with Roman in Montreal, at the biggest LAN party in Canada (1K gamers). Everything will be live broadcasted all week end Long on OverClocking-TV. Officially the live is friday afternoon to Sunday, but I'm pretty sure this will be extended to... the week after, the live will depend on my ISP to be able to fix the crappy connexion this week (what I fear won't happen...). Anyway we have a good batch of hardware to abuse (list to come.) Sponsor of the overclocking show-off : CORSAIR & Intel Hardware partner for the Show-off : MSI & GIGABYTE & 8ECC Schedule We will start broadcasting officially on Friday afternoon at 5PM (Montreal Time) and follow up on saturday all day (10AM – 10PM), same on Sunday (11AM – 5PM). To convert time to your time : http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?year=2014&month=2&day=28&hour=17&min=0&sec=0&p1=165 Available hardware list for the overclocking show-off : * CORSAIR PSUs : AX1200i, AX850i * CORSAIR SSDs : Force GTX * CORSAIR Memory : Dominator Platinum (2666Mhz), Vengeance (few differents kits), Dominator GTX (the old one ) * Intel 4770K (2 untested + 1 as backup) * Intel 4930K (2 untested) * MSI Z87 MPower Max AC * MSI Z87 MPower * MSI X79-GD65 * MSI GTX780Ti GAMING (factory overclocked) * MSI N770 TF 2GD5/OC * MSI N760 2GD5/OC * GIGABYTE Z87-OC * GIGABYTE X79-UD7 * CPU Pot : 8ECC Fusion 3.1 + Ryba's CPU Pot * GPU Pot : 8ECC Raptor + ryba's Fat GPU Pot * 230L of ln2 * 20kg of Dryice * bunnyextraction load of fun ! See you on the live chat
  20. wiha - hiwa ? Damn he is making screwdrivers now ? ahah nice looking pot !
  21. Guys if you want to follow the live, it should be up in about 1h or 2 depending the issue we will run into (yep always ). Live page on OverClocking-TV and @overclockingtv on twitter. The chat is open for anyone but the Aussies
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