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Everything posted by Trouffman

  1. Thanks for summing all that up Massman, I actually do agree a lot on the change that have to be made in order to promote / attract people to overcloking, not in the usual way as before where you 'expect' people seing it to join and overclock, but more in a way to have spectators about it. The sub-team system is a need, as it is used already byt some (benchbros etc.) and it make sense nowdays regarding price of hardware and difficulty to get large sponsoring per person or regarding time needed. With the large amount of release of new hardware that are tied up to some specific platform, we avoid by this (time + focus on something / a platform) getting tied up by the manufacturer and/or the only "bump" in the scores / ranking fight jsut everytime a new hardware come out or a new binning of CPUs as been made
  2. ahahha see ya tomorrow !
  3. Lool massman you rely on me for.the parties.... hummm see you guy all on monday night at the tavern ? Send me private message wen you arrive ! We could arrange stuff !
  4. Guys I'm there for a day already !
  5. Meme Flood !
  6. Might be live from the BBQ-OC Party.. but if so Massman need to get slapped by everyone there... I'm starting an auction of Massman face after a 30min run under Taiwan's weather ! Worth any other Ocer-GF pics you could see in another thread...
  7. One sad story that we still have problem and bitching like this... guys.. no need to flame.. hwbot + fm + MSI have a;; the details, they run the comp so let's wait for that... and when there are issue... report to them, no need to fight each others for that peace ! Congratz to the participant and .... conrgatz to splave ! hope to see you in TPE !
  8. And I have nothing really interesting to say but i just wanted to troll... EDIT : Massman gonna suffer in Taiwan i promise !
  9. should the title of this thread be this : ??
  10. Yep a google calednar jsut for the parties would be nice By the way ^^ Ocers Pre-Party anyone ? + Some friends from companies jsut for fun, fun and.... fun I will arrive on the 28th very early morning, and leaving 28th afternoon (yep a month ), I will be in Xindian (far south, last subway station on the green line.) OCTV's spanish division editor (elos17) will also be with me from the 29th of May until June 15th and i've a BIG PARTY friend (who said a girl ?) from 12 to 24... that means for anyone staying a bit... MASSIVE amount of fun ^^ BTW, on the 3rd at night, could be nice to have a "Very-Unofficial-Pre-Computex-Party-Before-It-Start" that means... massive amount of food, massive amount of beer... and... Massive amount of Fun. It will be kinda Open while some table we be reserved especially for us, Overclockers have priorities of courses For peoples that knowme... will be the usual place some might like it, some don't, but as long as we can have Massman, dinos, pro, smoke and Cpt. planet dancing on some stupid song while having the beer refilled and enjoying some BBQed Meat Anyway... get ready guys
  11. Actually i wonder how... game developer will flag this tools.. as it basically work the same way as wall-hack, ghost mode, AI bot etc... I mean for the more advanced ones. Basically we could do it on anything... Sadly, there is no way to check if it's running or not expect analyzing everyframe and... this is not an option in term of performance / reliability... So yes, we can detect if the Lucid Virtu is running, but actually the way benchmarks calculates score is going to be biased because... depending on the validation process... you could hack it... Lucid Virtu / MVP are HACKs that are packaged and developed for business I'm saying that... it is usefull in a lot of number of case. Software-based is possible to detect and interact. while once the hardware chip is ready (and it is already but not implemented in any consumer card yet...) this will be like a Border custom office in front of the GPU to let enter just the requested draw needed. Detect it, flag it, ban it NB : my point here is... some game developer will have to adjust they anti-cheat detection because Lucid MVP might be flagged as a cheat
  12. Once again... MVP is hooking DX call, it trick the bench / game to not calculate everything and especially duplicated calcul... so it does affect who render what and how. And that will evolve with the software update... same issue as VGA drivers. The software should not be allowed as it modify the integrity of the benchmarks, similar as pHysix that use the GPU on a supposedly CPU only bench. The hardware version that is a on real card should be. This is a great tool and evolution but that need TESTING, TESTING and TESTING... and as our greek friends shows... benchmarls are completly tricked by the software as the method to calculate, render etc give HUGE improvment in scores. (NB : there is a more serious issue about this... how to be sure the frame as been calculated and not dropped to re-used one... as MVp is kinda hooking it.. it would be like hooking the hook until another hook of thehook appear to hide it...)
  13. Here is what i think : * Lucid Virtu / MVP can run on any iGPU / GPU they want, and will support multiple GPU (did i say so ?) * The reason it's tied to intel chipset only and some of them only is... LICENSING ! No point on having to pay XMilions $ more to lucid to get that on AMD platform or previous because... it make no sense on selling more cheaper stuff by paying more someone else and this will arm your profit. * My opinion is that it should be illegal or at least red flagged and detected for a reason : with the software version (virtu / MVP) it act with the same concept as physix and other illegal tweak... IT DOESN'T render everything OR it select which is better to render, so we slip from having a benchmarks for testing hardware to a benchmarks for User experience. Benchmarks goal is to measure the performance of a product or a system. Hwbot focus on gathering the data to compare hardware between them and system in a matter of hardware based solution. Lucid product implies on the User experience and the optimization of redundant work. -> that's why as Massman kinda stated, regular benchmarks cannot be used to measure impact of lucid logix and game responsivness, etc that was the case for ages in the reviews site discussions... what benchmarks make senses etc... And for Lucid... * They have hardware and software solution, for software it should be illegal or be a special categorie as it is a really interesting feature for daily use. As they are Hooking the real intended work of a GPU. And honestly... to detect it... it's either hooking th hook or checking if some specific process / code / call are made More details soon enought..
  14. Trouffman

    New Livestream

    Hum i heard that about the nonthly fee Anyone that want to build up a project about that,... please contact me have some idea in the wind for a while
  15. i'M REALLY UP FOR IT I'm in - Montreal Area - There is a Linde distributors here
  16. do like me... forget to save the screenshot... a lot more easier;D
  17. I will participate only if it's a One Way trip and No return possible
  18. I'm going still dunno how / when etc but I'm in to check if we could get a big apartment somewhere (but i still no sure if it's easy to do in Tpe...). BTW , if you guys could arrive 2 day before the start of the show... : OCTV party maybe
  19. I just gave 40$ too for the cause and... to see Youngpro with that hair cut
  20. That is sooooooo my life... expect that there is no hard hard benching
  21. Good news I expected a small black case with apparent solder points but no big deal as it's for extreme only ^^
  22. I liek the idea at the beginning but to be honest, you can't control the flow of hardware.. what about some very limited card like the MARS ? shoudl the grace period be even longer or jsut not counted in the ranking ? due to poor availibility.. etc.. I think it's not worth the work and will be a bit confusing in the end.
  23. Good to see that this issue as been adressed and solved
  24. Massman got owned and EPIC Fail again !!! When will that stop ?
  25. Lool what's witht he 2 stuff ? oh MSI stuff
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