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Everything posted by Matt26LFC

  1. Cheers man! I had a better one but forgot to save the file for Futuremark submission validation link :(
  2. Amazing build! Would love to give it a shot on my 7960X! Wouldn't mind seeing what it could do on my 8700K too!
  3. Bump Also would like a 5970 Waterblock
  4. Cheers Shar! Not lewis' CPU Not sure why my scores are slower than those clocked slower than me though
  5. bump
  6. Haha Hoping to continue that next week too! Got 85L of Ln2 coming :)
  7. Nice work! Might be worth running R15 for TeamCup too!
  8. Nice work Chispy! Would certainly love to see you on ln2 again ;)
  9. Would love to get at least the 7960X on Ln2 and run this, perhaps next month I'll give that a shot. May give this another go tomorrow, think I can run 4.9Ghz on CPU and clock the GPUs higher!
  10. Cheers! Might leave mine in for a little longer then, might need to improve my score ;)
  11. So how much for the Mobo? Is that price for mobo and 980X?
  12. Hi guys, as per title I'm looking for full cover blocks MSI 7970 Lightning Full Cover EK MSI 5870 Lightning Full Cover EK AMD 5970 Full Cover block Let me know
  13. Nice! I'd give it ago myself but can't seem to get older gen cards working on my x299
  14. Cheers! I should be getting some more Ln2 in about 2-3weeks :)
  15. Matt26LFC

    i9 7920x

    It's in the OP, £600 + Shipping
  16. Awesome! Looking forward to seeing more! Shall be taking my 6870 cold in the near future too I hope, also with a cold 8700K ;)
  17. Bollox I can't believe I forgot that! I'm all out of ln2 aswell! I guess I just delete the sub?
  18. Thanks guys! Finally got this chip going when my ln2 was almost all gone Not Lewis' Luumi but wouldn't be surprised if his chip could do similar as they performed almost the same on air without delids
  19. Yeah thats the same as I've got, it wouldn't say its not compatible but, I'd say its not ideal for coffee, mostly if going cold on it due to the amount of paste needed. Hopefully in the image I've uploaded you can see where the die was situated on the back, and you can see where the paste was spewing out the back
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