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Ekky jengkol

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Everything posted by Ekky jengkol

  1. try to disabled powermode in Bios and then enabled it in TCIK2 that will make your Fps normal... Congrats to the winner and all participant.. have fun benching IGP but unfortunately my board died too so i cant continue...
  2. Thanks to you mate.... now i can bench IGP fun now bought only 1 motherboard.. hopefully not die....
  3. in 1st stage... hard to find golden cpu here.. IGP would be more interesting..
  4. i'm done with bench session yesterday coz run out LN2.. wow...greece put very strong result.. i think they will take the crown this year.... greece is unstoppable :thumb: but we still fight till the end
  5. interesting to watch submisions in last 1 hour..
  6. thanks mate..unfortunately 1 ram stick died so i cant continue with higher clocks..
  7. yeah mate... above 1.3v vNB not stable.. i use under 1.3v
  8. no problem mate.. yw just throw away that monitor.. lol 5 Hours left... waiting for...
  9. oohh i see how your SM3.0 got so high with lower gpu clock and memory.. seems you change your benchmark resolution to 1024 x 768 mate. not valid
  10. Good score and high SM3.0 boost... but you forgot motherboard tab mate...
  11. Temperature Test Auto Fan 60% Fan Speed Full Fan Speed Default Benchmark Result Overclocking Result 3DMark11 1220/1852Mhz 3DMark Vantage 1200/1852Mhz 3DMark 2006 1200/1852Mhz
  12. No more words... picts show em all Specification Features: Power Edition - Triple Overvoltage: adjust the voltage of GPU, memory and PLL to unleash the potential of graphics card. - Enhanced PWM Design: provide higher overclocking capability and better stability in peak load. Twin Frozr IV with Dust Removal technology - Offer 20? cooler and 11.7dB quieter than reference product. - Keep out dust for optimal cooling performance by Dust Removal technology. Military Class III Components - Meet MIL-STD-810G standard to ensure the best stability and quality. - Adopt Hi-c CAP, SFC and All Solid CAP. MSI Afterburner overclocking utility - Support advanced fan speed control. - Support Real-Time Video Capturing function to record in-game scenes and share with friends. - Support Quick OC Test function by Kombustor to test user’s graphics cards. Picts
  13. hajaarrr...pentokin... calon suster ngesot neh
  14. i guess no ppl sandbagging this time left.. they cant join because lightning out of stock .. or their lightning died while benching I've killed 1 lightning and 1 GD65 still on air spi test with post code 19 (seems memory issue) Now only 1 lightning and GD80 Left...
  15. "The following system components may not be shared between individual MOA participants: CPU, memory or graphics card." i agree with that.. and i suggest ASIC score from each vga card must be shown on 3d benchmark to prove that each participant dont use the same vga card.. because ASIC score from each vga card is different and will not be the same.. Finally got 1 lightning from msi local distributor, 1 ivy and 2 mobo's GD65 and GD80.. start to bench LN2 this weekend...
  16. Nice CPU mate..looks like you will go to taipei this year I will test mine this weekend...
  17. thanks mate... i talked to local distributor here.. they said will arrive next week. still have time while i'm testing CPU on Ln2 first pretesting CPU on air with GD80.. stable @ 2800mhz mems,, this is better than GD65.. No Vdrop at all.. 5100mhz Vcore 1.4V Bios.. 1.4V on CPUZ hope this will scaling well on LN2.. (pray..pray..pray...luck..luck..luck) lol https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/459062_3451718848096_414287541_o.jpg
  18. Want to buy HD7970 Lighting but out of stock here... have to wait next week.. Hopefully can join this comp... Only had 1 3770K, Z77A-GD65 and GD80... wish dont die first
  19. i used 12.1 and no limitation... perhaps you didnt put the msi EULA at msiafterburner.cfg here's 3dm11 @1200/1500mhz using catalist 12.1 http://i430.photobucket.com/albums/qq28/jengkol/hd7770/3d111200-1500.jpg
  20. conggrats perica!, you deserved it.... great scores
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