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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. @Noxinite not sure if joking but in case you aren't: x265 is AVX-based and the L3014 doesn't have this instruction so it has no chance in this bench
  2. Invariant TSC timer on x299? Haven't seen that before
  3. Garage benching = best benching. Sick result guys, well done!
  4. -1 available memory? Found a way to waza on Ryzen?
  5. A little late to the game, but I think it's really smart to run '03 with CPU on SS and GPU full out - I might steal that idea :D
  6. Well done! I think it's time for an avatar ;)
  7. Watch out, it's a love triangle ;)
  8. Any consumer DDR4 platform should be fine
  9. It is quite consistent if using the same board. For example I was able to predict within 50 MHz what max. my 7640X would hit on LN2 after comparing its VID with my 7740X.
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