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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. Well done! Nice submission for /r/overclocking
  2. Can you confirm that only ES Opterons have unlocked multipliers on this board?
  3. CPU is wrong but the correct one is not available in the drop-down
  4. I assume you didn't use up all $20,000 of the LHe in this one run?
  5. You should be able to get more mhz out of the Ryzen by using Ryzen Master instead of BIOS for the voltage as you can get 1.55v there instead of only 1.4v
  6. Strange how HWBot grabs an old screenshot, if you visit the URL yourself you'll see the higher frequency.
  7. How can you make the CPU stay @ 2800mhz? Mine only goes up to 2800 for a few seconds, then back down to 2700. Is there a secret power management setting I haven't found?
  8. Is it o.k. to disable cores? The rules page doesn't say
  9. What an epic submission! This is what overclocking is about
  10. Which motherboard is this on? Can you run XOC=1? That's what gave me an extra ~75Mhz or so.
  11. @Ellife - CPU-Z is misreporting the voltage, not sure why. If you look at my slightly slower submission: http://hwbot.org/submission/3562776_ ... you will see that I maxed the voltage in Ryzen Master. Could be Ryzen Master vs. BIOS voltage actually - CPU-Z was accurate on all the BIOS ones. By the way, where are you based? Always good to see other Aussies on here.
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