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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. I know I am late to the party but was it considered to implement the E-cores on / E-cores off split via a drop-down instead of separate hardware categories? Subbing some 3D scores recently I realised that it's very easy to forget to switch between the two categories, which will lead to an inaccurate database over time I think and also searching for results is not easy because the search form asks you to pick one or the other. One idea to combat this would be to use the drop-down system used e.g. for the 555 BE already, where you have to pick if 2, 3 or 4 cores are active and you can't forget to do this because the default is blank. How hard would this be to implement? I am also thinking medium-term about more complicated core configurations like a L-core / M-core / S-core type of architecture. Here the separate hardware categories would be an even bigger pain but the dropdown would only have to be expanded by one entry. Just an idea, I'd like to hear other people's thoughts on this.
  2. Only saw this comment now, the stage was hamstrung by having to select bad RAM so I decided to just knock out the score on whatever I had lying around makes sense that the BIOS would be worse on Deneb. The chip is certainly gold-capable on my Lanparty and best sticks. I think the Giga is more of a easy board for valids or wPrime, not really Pi.
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