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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. mate,your sub is on wrong category,please resub for Titan XP ,not gtx 1080. LOL
  2. With help of barebonet i made his 2 os compatible with z270. You can download the Tib from here,it takes you 30 seconds to install and be in windows. XP64 support for z170/270 - Mostly for 3Dmark2001,it has moded inf for 980 ti integrated Xp32 support for z170/270 - Used for spi32m
  3. With the help of barebonet , i made his 2 os compatible with z270. You can download the Tib from here,it takes you 30 seconds to install and be in windows. XP64 support for z170/270 - Mostly for 3Dmark2001,it has moded inf for 980 ti integrated Xp32 support for z170/270 - Used for spi32m
  4. Any other bios release anytime soon ? Interested in something for Maximus VIII Extreme,bios support for Xp.
  5. Now , that's better ! Waiting for the final result.
  6. Maybe one of the best so far,along with the one jpmboy has. Curious about Xtu ,5.2-5.3 what voltage they require ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. It will be very difficult to spot such a result,i was talking about this method of gather altogether and cut the rest of the detais from view. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. Thanks,now I learned a new thing,that the extra space for pictures is only dedicated for hardware pics,I was thinking that it is there for any additional info which a user may supply. I see my mistake and apologize for,sorry. Is it allowed to post modified screenshots,like this ? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  9. Okay,explain like to a child,what is wrong in this screenshot ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  10. I am "crying" only when i see people who think like you. I may understand the reasoning for taking out the sub from competition,but afterwards to delete the whole submission it is just wrong. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  11. Too bad this applies only to some people,you managed to delete my sub even though i have more proof than others that it was made during competition. Both screens uploaded on the same sub,which not only was taken out of the competition,it was deleted from hwbot ranking system. The screenshots have time stamp,as you can see that with the background was made a minute after first one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  12. Whatever . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. An overzealous moderator deleted my sub,some of us are loosing hours for an result just to be mocked by 2 click,delete. It is pointless to fight with the wind,better to retreat out before i get too nervous. My sub had everything ! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  14. Time is not the same,in Cyprus it's starting to be hot. My cpu was at 8 degrees ambient,3 am,i don't want to use my waterchiller for subs as i know will change me from enthusiast which i don't want atm. So the conditions to replicate the score are almost impossible,hence the video. In my opinion given the fact that i provided a valid validation link,should be ok not even mention the extra screenshot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  15. I had in the next screenshot all the subtest. If i provide video it will be accepted again ? Can you tag the one who removed it ? BTW ,in the rules it states use the background,which i did,doesn't state that it has to be the only screenshot.
  16. suzuki`s 3DMark03 score: 274070 marks with a GeForce GTX 980 Ti This is the sub in question.
  17. There is background,validation link and i think i have video as well. Who removed it ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  18. My result with 980 ti was taken out of the stage 3,why exactly ? Usually you are given a notice when something like this happens. @websmile ?
  19. By any chance do you have a xp working bios for Maximus VIII Extreme which works with kaby lake > ?
  20. He doesn't show us the godlike kits .
  21. ) At 4.2 max air and 3000 max ram on air,with 5 latencyes in bios to change,what do you expect ?
  22. This is a sweet deal,does it apply to Conductonaut as well ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  23. @nachtfalke has similar problem with Apex. I get that error on z170 M8E,able to finish the tests but not able to oc due no newer bios support. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  24. For my peace of mind,what waterloop are you using to have this temps ? You are on Elite so it doesn't matter of you use chilled water or not,makes no difference for your category.
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